Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs is a comedy anime series that met with the audience in the summer of 2018. This anime series for adults is also colored with supernatural elements. Adapted from Tadahiro Miura’s manga of the same name, the anime was created by Xebec studio. Licensed by Aniplex of America, it was originally broadcast on many local networks such as Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV, BS11, KBS, Sun TV, GBS, MTV, AT-X. The anime’s first season aired weekly from July 14, 2018, to September 29, 2018, and it attracted great attention at the time of its publication. Still, after about three years, a new season of Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san has not yet been confirmed. So, will the fans meet with a second season? Let’s remember the series first.
What is the plotline of the anime?
Fuyuzora Kogarashi has spiritual powers and has been obsessed with ghosts since she was little. This has caused many problems in his life, but he has learned to fight against cruel forces. Unfortunately, Fuyuzora is currently quite poor, homeless, and hoping for a more normal, happier high school life. During his house searches, he saw a very cheap wooden house called Yuragi-sou, which used to be a spa. The reason why the rental room is so cheap is that the body of a high school student who was killed by spiritual forces was found here and the place is believed to be haunted.
Fuyuzora decides to keep the room, thinking that this situation won’t pose a problem for her and because the owner of the rest of the house is a sexy woman. Although he is enjoying the hot spring, he also plans to expel Yuragi-sou’s ghost, 16-year-old Yuuna, from his room. Fuyuzora has no plans to hurt the ghost girl and eventually decides to help the girl deal with her unfinished business. So, the girl will not become a cruel ghost in her afterlife and will not fall into hell. However, after getting along with Yuuna, the other residents slowly begin to reveal their own hidden powers.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
Studio Xebec, manga publisher Shueisha, or any related company with the anime has not yet renewed Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs for a second season. Renewals of animes can sometimes take years. The manga’s source material availability, financial plans sometimes keep this period short and sometimes much longer. When we look at the other studio’s other works, we see that they usually have one-season animes, but they also have series such as ‘Tu Love Ru‘ that have been approved for new seasons. There is no official announcement yet, but it is possible to speculate about a new season with some key factors. Let’s look at these main factors together and see the results.
Manga status of the anime
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the manga of the series was written and illustrated by Tadahiro Miura. Like many manga series, the manga series published by Shueisha began airing on February 8, 2016. It is also published by Seven Seas Entertainment in English for readers in NA. The series, which has been published in 24 volumes since 2016, completed on June 8, 2020.
It’s a pity that the manga series is no longer in progress, but sufficient source material is still available. While only 4 volumes were adapted in the anime’s first season, the remaining volume is still 20. It seems that there is enough stock for more than one season.
Disc sales of the series
Although the demand for discs has decreased with the increase in online video watching habits in recent years, this is still significant data. It is possible to compare with the animes released in the same period and measure the popularity in Japan with disc sales figures. In general, an anime is expected to sell 4,000 discs. (Average of all volumes). Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs sold 6 volume discs. The anime, which sold 2,860 units on average, seems to have fallen short of the targets. But that’s not a hopeless sales figure, and it may still provide hope for a second season.
The popularity of the series
There are some other parameters to measure real popularity. According to Myanimelist values, its popularity score is 72.6%. We can say that this score is at the critical limit for a second season. On the other hand, when we look at the search volume on Google, we cannot hide that we have seen a decrease recently. Besides, it is followed by 27.1k people on Twitter. This number of followers mostly is not enough for a new season. While everything seems average, an anime needs to be above average for a new season because most animes are not renewed for a new season.
Yuuna and the Haunted House’s manga has achieved high sales and has a cumulative circulation of over 3.5 million. However, sales after the anime broadcast are low compared to other manga series, which also have anime adaptations, and it is thought that the effect of anime is low on manga sales.
When is the second season of the anime?
A second season of the anime has not been confirmed. Above, we speculated about the possibility of a new season of anime in the future. The manga contains enough source material, but there are some barriers, such as popularity. For the anime to be renewed for a new season, the fans need to make more noise, and the anime needs to spread to more people. Although the current popularity is not too bad, it still does not seem enough for a new season. However, we think that we can see a new season of the anime with a 50% probability. If there is a renewal soon, we may see a new season of the anime in 2022-2023, but it will not sooner. We recommend that the audience read the manga from the 5th volume, as it will answer the questions about the continuation of the series. Or check out other comedy anime series like Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies and Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun.