“Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher !?” is an anime series suitable for adults in the romantic comedy genre. It is an adaptation of a manga series written and illustrated by Anime Soborou. The anime series licensed by Sentai Filmworks, which we know from Devils Line and Run with the Wind anime series, is also available on the Crunchyroll platform. The anime series created by Tear Studio, which has been in the industry for a few years, was originally broadcast on Tokyo MX, BS11, AT-X local channels. The Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King series is another of the studio’s other successful productions. The series was broadcast as 12 episodes between 8 April 2019 and 24 June 2019. Then we watched an additional OVA episode. So we will investigate in this article, “Will there be a second season of the anime?”
What was the plotline of “Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher !?”?
Ichirō Satō, 17, is an average student who constantly finds herself in close contact with her teacher Kono Kajima. This erotic love and comedy are about Kono and Ichirou’s daily mishaps and how they dealt with them. The series entertains the audience with exciting coincidences and bad luck.
When is the release date of the second season?
The series has not yet been renewed for a second season. There has not yet been a leak as to whether Tear Studio is working on a second season. We made a review of the second season of the series. First of all, we have to say that ecchi anime of this kind are usually advertisements for their manga, and most of the time, they don’t have a second season. The fact that the series has not been renewed for more than a year is normal for anime, but it is a situation that decreases the dignity day by day.
Manga status of the series (main source material)
The series is adapted from the manga written by Soborou, as we mentioned before. The manga, published in Weekly Young Magazine, started publishing in 2017 and is still ongoing. The manga, whose last volume was released on November 6, 2020, consists of 11 volumes in total.
The manga series is the main source material of the anime. The anime currently covers 40 chapters of the manga. This corresponds to 4 volumes. In this case, it is seen that there is enough resource material for a new season. Meanwhile, if you want to continue the anime series with the manga, you can start reading from the beginning of Volume 5. Many fans think the manga series is more successful compared to anime.
The popularity of the anime
According to our metrics, the anime’s popularity score is 73.4%. We’ve seen that this score gives the green light to season two for many anime. While the source material for a new season of the anime series has been completed, we are hopeful about burying a new season. We will follow the renewal news for you. If the anime is renewed for a new season, it may be on the screens at the end of 2021.