We Never Learn, known as “BokuBen or We Can’t Study”, is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Taishi Tsutsui. However, the subject of our article is the anime adaptation that is as popular as its manga. The romantic comedy & slice of life genre series was one of the popular anime series of 2019. The series, directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and adapted to the anime series with G Zappa’s pen, completed its first season. The series, which became known worldwide with its publication on Crunchyroll, began broadcasting on April 7, 2019, and in the last days of 2019, December 29. It is published with the Season 2 finale. With the episode titled “A Post-Festival Celebration of X, Both Dazzling And Lonely”, a total of 26 episodes have been released for the series. The anime series, which gets an average score of 6.9 on IMDb, has a unique fan base. Fans who miss fun characters of the anime are wondering about Season 3 details and its release date.
What is the plotline of the anime?
Nariyuki, a high school student, embraced his late father’s advice that useless men should strive to be useful. Despite his low grades, Yuiga is committed to being a successful student at school. He sets his sights on becoming a special VIP student candidate to provide a better life for his poor family. Thus, he will receive a prestigious scholarship to cover all university expenses.
Although he is eligible for nomination, he is eclipsed in mathematics by his classmates Rizu Ogata and in literature by Fumino Furuhashi. Nariyuki wins the nomination but on one condition. He will help Rizu Ogata and Fumino Furuhashi enters the school of their choice. The downside is that Ogata targets the art school, and Furuhashi targets the faculty of science. And they are both very bad students apart from their best lessons. University applications are approaching, and Nariyuki must find an effective lecture method for these girls before it is too late.
What will we see in the third season?
Based on the details we learned from Manga, we can give a hint without a spoiler. In Season 3, we’ll be able to find out who Nariyuki really falls in love with. Finding out who she fell in love with among the five female characters is what viewers have come to expect from previous seasons. We will learn the answer to this question when the possible 3rd season is available.
Will there be a third season of We Never Learn?
As of May 6, 2021; at the time of writing, Studios Studio Silver and Arvo Animation, licensers, or any related company with the anime or manga series have not yet renewed the anime for a third season. We know that the anime has an open-ended second season, and you are looking forward to the third season. The manga creator had previously stated on Twitter that Manga would have a different ending from the series. Maybe we can have the chance to watch the 3rd season with an anime script suitable for the continuation of Manga. Since there is no clear statement about the next season of the anime, we will speculate about the third season based on primary factors.
The most important of these main factors is the manga series. Unfortunately, the manga series was completed at the end of 2020 and is no longer ongoing. But this is not an obstacle seeing a new season. The manga series has 187 published chapters so far, and only 90 chapters were adapted in the first and second seasons of the anime. It means that at least one more season can be adapted for the anime. Although the manga series provides enough source material, this is not enough to see a new season.
We see that the anime is not as successful as its manga in disc sales. The manga has 3 million copies in circulation, but the average volume of disc sales is only 1,300. Generally, an anime is expected to sell at least 4,000 copies for it to be popular. It would not seem profitable to make a new season when this disc falls short of sales. Anime is not broadcast by a giant distributor like Amazon Prime or Netflix, so the revenue from disc sales is significant. However, when we look at the disc sales, the third season is unlikely.
Nevertheless, we know that disc sales have dropped in recent years, and it is no longer a benchmark as strong as it used to be. The anime’s global popularity cannot be underestimated. If the decision committee approves for a third season, the average production time will be one year. There is no confirmation yet, but it is possible to see a new season of the anime at the beginning of 2022. If a more official statement comes, we will update our article.
Is there a trailer for season 3 of We Never Learn?
Since there is no official renewal announcement for the third season of the series so far, there is no published trailer. We will update it for you when new information becomes such as a trailer available for a possible 3rd season.
Who will be the Season 3 characters?
In a possible third season of the series, we do not expect any change in the main character cast, based on the manga, the main characters will be on the screen in the third season of the series.
Nariyuki Yuiga
Mafuyu Kirisu
Fumino Furuhashi
Uruka Takemoto
Asumi Kominami
Rizu ogata
Miharu Kirisu
Mizuki Yuiga