Tsugumomo is a romantic comedy anime series with supernatural elements first released in 2017. The funny story begins with Kazuya Kagami, who goes nowhere without his mother’s precious Sakura Obi, expands with entertaining characters. The series is based on a popular manga series written and illustrated by Yoshikazu Hamada. The studio Zero-G has animated the series; we also know the studio from beloved comedy animes such as “Grand Blue” and “My Roommate is a Cat“. The series is originally aired on Animax, Tokyo MX, BS11 from April 3, 2017, to June 19, 2017, as 12 episodes and licensed by Funimation and Crunchyroll. After three years, it managed to make its fans happy with a new season approval. Tsugumomo has come back to the screens with the second season titled “Tsugu Tsugumomo” in April 2020. Now the fans are wondering if there will be a third season of the anime? Let’s see what we know so far.
Will there be a third season of Tsugumomo?
The anime’s second season was broadcast between April 5, 2020, – June 21, 2020. As of May 26, 2022, at the time of writing, the anime has not yet been renewed for a third season. Zero-G or any anime-related company remains silent about the new season. There is no clue about the new season on the anime’s official Twitter account as well. Sometimes it can take years for anime to renew for a new season; we can see this situation in the time difference between the first and the second season. However, when some main factors are considered, it may be possible to speculate about the new season. The manga, financial conditions, and popularity of the anime may signal the new season.
Manga status of the anime
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Tsugumomo is an original manga series written and illustrated by Yoshikazu Hamada. The manga series published by Futabasha in multiple magazines continues since 2007 and consists of 28 volumes in total so far. The last volume of the manga series was released on February 12, 2022, and it is still ongoing; good news for the source material.
The anime consisted of 12 episodes + OVA in the first season and 12 episodes in the second season. It covers the first 14 volumes of the manga, which has 28 volumes in total. The remaining volumes are just half of the whole source material and quite enough to create a new season. There does not seem to be a problem in terms of source material available for filming the third season of Tsugumomo.
BluRay and DVD sales of the anime
Disc sales are very valuable for anime. Because a new season is only possible when the team is financially satisfied. Generally, the decision committee approves the new season when it exceeds 4,000 disc sales. However, when we look at the disc sales of Tsugumomo, we see that it only sells 542 units for the second season. Considering the disc sales, a third season seems quite difficult. However, the anime was not successful in disc sales in the first season, and nevertheless, it got a chance for a second season. Also, considering the decrease in disc sales in recent years, it should be noted that it is not as critical as it used to be.
The popularity of the anime
The most reliable data to understand the current popularity of anime is a global Google search volume that cannot be manipulated. According to current data, the anime has an average search volume on Google, but it needs more than that, for a new season. On the other hand, the official Twitter page (@tsugumomo_anime) of the anime is currently only followed by 15k people, and in general, animes that have been renewed for the new season have over 100k followers. Finally, when we look at Myanimelist, we see that anime is not among the top 1000 anime in popularity.
When is the third season of Tsugumomo?
The anime’s first season was very popular in Japan and got a lot of crowdfunding. Financially well prepared for the second season, the anime’s overall popularity is low, and the second season is quite unsuccessful compared to the first season. There is no renewal for a third season yet, but a new season is too unlikely considering the second season’s disc sales and the reducing popularity. Still, enough source material is available to create a new season, and the anime world is full of surprises. If the series is renewed for a new season, the production time will take as long as the previous season. The studio has not yet worked in this direction so far, and it is not possible for us to see a new season before late 2023.