TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You, or Tonikaku Kawaii, is a romantic comedy, slice of life anime series released in 2020 and quickly gained attention. The anime, which is not original content, is actually based on Kenjiro Hata’s manga series of the same name. Seven Arcs, the creator of anime, merged its studios last year. Their first work after Arte was TONIKAWA. The anime, also known as “Fly Me to the Moon“, originally aired on Tokyo MX, ytv, BS-NTV channels from October 3, 2020, to December 19, 2020. Aniplus Asia and Crunchyroll also licensed the anime. An OVA episode is confirmed to come in 2021, but fans want more. Will anime have a second season?
What is the plotline of the anime?
Nasa Yuzaki, who is ridiculed for his strange name, tries hard to be remembered differently. Fortunately, he is on the right track, ranked first in the exams, and managed to get into his choice school. But a girl he encounters on the street one night on his way home will change his life radically. Fascinated by the girl’s incredible grace, ‘love at first sight’ becomes real for Nasa. Drunk in love, Nasa fails to notice the danger that is approaching fast on the road and turns from the brink of death.
Barely surviving thanks to the girl’s intervention, Nasa does not want to kidnap her and confesses his love. The girl agrees on one condition: marriage! Nasa, who gladly accepts the condition, falls asleep there, and when he wakes up, the girl disappears. After his wounds heal, he throws aside all his other ambitions and devotes his life to finding the girl who captured his heart, but after a year, he still cannot find it. But one night, an unexpected visitor knocks on his door, facing his future wife, who will change his world forever.
Will there be a second season of the TONIKAWA?
According to the news shared on the anime’s official website on November 6, 2021, the anime has been renewed for a second season. It can sometimes take years for an anime to be renewed for a new season, but its fans are lucky for an anime that just aired in the fall of 2020. The good news is not limited to the new season; the anime will also have a new episode apart from it. The cast and staff are returning in the anime’s new season. Crunchyroll has announced that it will air the new season of the anime globally.
Manga (Main Source Material)
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, anime is the TV adaptation of the manga series written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata. Tonikawa manga series, which started airing on Weekly Shōnen Sunday on February 14, 2018, is still ongoing. As of June 2022, the manga series, consisting of 20 volumes, has a new volume every two months on average. In addition, Viz Media publishes the manga series in English.
The active release of the manga is good news for the anime series. The anime’s first season only covered 4 volumes. The source material has already accumulated for at least two more seasons. There is no problem based on source material to create a new season of the series. Meanwhile, the story expands considerably after the 5th volume in the manga series. The renewed second season of Tonikawa will be much more exciting than the first.
When we look at the popularity of Tonikawa series, things are going very well. When we evaluate anime’s popularity based on Myanimelist, social media activities, and Google searches, we see that the anime gained huge popularity quickly. The anime ranked 297th on Myanimelist, which is quite sufficient. We also see that the anime has 95k followers on Twitter. In general, we see that when an anime has more than 100k followers, it easily gets a new season approval. It would not be wrong to say that the search volume for anime on Google is above average. The anime owes its renewal decision to its strong popularity behind it.
When is the release date of the second season?
Tonikawa anime has been confirmed for a second season. However, as of June 4, 2022, at the time of writing, the new season release date has not been shared yet. Manga publisher Shogakukan, studio Seven Arcs, Crunchyroll, or any anime-related company have not made any announcements about it. It seems that the new season date of the anime will become clear in the coming months.
However, more details about the additional new episode mentioned in the renewal announcement have surfaced. On April 4, 2022, it is announced that the episode, which will be titled “Seifuku”, will air in the summer of 2022. So we see that the new season will not come before Q3. Expectations are that the 2nd season of the anime will start airing at the end of the year or early 2023. You can watch the trailer for the new episode below. And stay tuned for more details about the new season.