Toilet-bound Hanako-kun is an anime series released in 2020 that blends comedy and supernatural elements. The anime was created by the Lerche studio, whom we know from beloved anime such as Astra Lost in Space and Given, and was directed by Masaomi Andō in the first season. With its other name, Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun has originally premiered from January 9, 2020, to March 26, 2020, on TBS, SUN, CBC, and BS-TBS. Thanks to Funimation‘s licensing, and Hulu TV‘s airing, it gained viewers from all over the world. After the series made a season final with the episode “The Little Mermaid”, the fans started the wonder about the next season’s status and the release date of the 2nd season of the anime series. We have compiled what we know about the series so far and the news about the second season. So far, the anime’s first season has received many positive reviews from most viewers, and many fans are already hoping for a second season. It’s also among the best anime shows of the season, according to many anime viewers. So, will there be a second season of the anime?
What is the plot of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun?
Various rumors circulate at the Komame Academy about Hanako-san, one of the school’s Seven Mysteries. Hanako-san, which has settled in the third toilet compartment of the girls’ toilet on the third floor of the old school building, grants the summons any wish when called by someone. Yashiro Nene, a freshman in high school whose mind is full of romantic dreams, also steps into this haunted toilet. As a result of the events, he becomes Nene Hanako’s assistant and tries to balance the spiritual and physical world with him.
In the past, Lerche Studio gave us great anime like ‘Given ‘and ‘Kanata no Astra. With the new anime adaptation ‘Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun’, the studio gives us another epic show featuring flawless animation, an enticing story, and some unforgettable cute characters. Although it started as a comedy anime initially limited to a high school, it contains plenty of secrets and some dark events in its depth.
As the season progresses and more into the school’s underlying mysteries, it turns into a masterful horror anime. So far, it has clearly reached its true potential, and we hope it will get even better in season two. In the first season, the characters are introduced, but nobody’s inner world is descended. The events are also a mystery. The series will get deeper with a possible second season.
Will there be a second season of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun?
At the time of writing, as of May 29, 2022, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun has not yet been renewed for a second season. Neither Manga publisher Square Enix nor animation studio Lerche has confirmed another season. There is no announcement from the official Twitter page in Japan as well. We can only speculate right now. We can look at the popularity and source material available to see if the anime will have a second season. There does not seem to be any problem in terms of popularity, and the ratings of the series are quite sufficient. Everything was good except disc sales. Disc sales of the anime were around 1500. Considering the disc sales alone, it looks unsuccessful, but we shouldn’t forget the exclusive distributors. The anime is also very popular in Japan and distributed by many exclusive distributors. (D Anime Store, Amazon Prime Video, U-Next, Netflix) The fact that these distributors publish the anime means extra profit besides the disc sales. Therefore, the second season looks promising in many ways. According to the Myanimelist, the series ranked 371st in terms of popularity and this ranking is quite enough for a second season. So how about manga?
Manga status of the anime
As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, the anime of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun is adapted from the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Iro Aida. The manga series, which started to be published in 2014, is published in Japan by Square Enix. Yen Press publishes the English translation of the series. The good news is that the manga is still ongoing. Sales of the manga series seem strong, and the cumulative circulation has already exceeded 6 million. The last volume of the manga, which consists of 17 volumes in total, has not yet been translated into English, but it was published on April 27, 2021, in Japan. In the first season of the anime, only the first 7 volumes were adapted into it. So there is enough source material to create new seasons. It looks that the manga will not be an obstacle.
When is the release date of season 2?
The second season of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun has not been confirmed yet. We speculated about a second season while the official channels kept their silence on the matter. It seems that there is a strong audience waiting for the second season of the anime. The series is also a hit in Japan with its anime and manga. Although it has not been successful in disc sales, it needs to take into account the general decline in disc sales in recent years. If there is a renewal for the new season soon, approximately one year production period will be required. Considering all these, a new season does not seem possible before 2023. Stay tuned.
Characters of the anime series
Hanako-kun: It is the ghost of the 3rd Cabinet of the girls’ restroom on the 3rd floor of the Kamome Academy.
Yashiro Nene: She is a self-sufficient high school student at the Kamome Academy. It is her first year in high school and she is Hanako’s assistant.
Minamoto Kou: He is part of the famous exorcist Minamoto clan, who attended middle school at the Kamome Academy.
and the other main characters…
Minamoto Teru
Akane Aoi
Nanamine Sakura
Hyuuga Natsuhiko
Is there a trailer for Season 2?
So far, there is no trailer released for the 2nd season yet. Although some fan-made trailers are available, an official trailer has not been released yet. We’ll update this section for you when it’s released.