‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch‘ TV Series explores paranormal activity in the area which has the same name as the series. The series, which premiered on the History Channel on March 31, completed its first season. The series is available to watch on the Philo platform as well. The second season of the TV show, which made the season finale with the episode “Revelations” broadcast on June 2, is curious. When will the series have a second season?
What is the plot of ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’?
Throughout history, the existence of aliens has always been a matter of debate. It has been talked about that many buildings in history cannot be built with human power and are associated with aliens. There is a place known as the 51st Zone and where alien activities are thought to be carried out. However, all of these are still a veil of secrets now. Skinwalker Ranch in Utah is another location in the United States that many people think is hosting supernatural events. In this region, events such as flashing lights in the sky and encounters with strange creatures have been reported throughout history.
The Skinwalker Ranch has been defined as a UFO zone since the 1950s. Strange events and supernatural landscapes have been brought into the media over the years. As we watched from a similar product, we see abundantly injured or dead animal bodies in this series.
Robert Bigelow, a wealthy businessman, bought a house in this area 24 years ago. The research findings of the businessman who started the experiments and studies were never made public. Three years ago, the property owned by a wealthy businessman was sold to a real estate agent and technology investor. A team was assigned to investigate this area.
The shocking discoveries made come to light for the first time. Researches are made using technology to the fullest and reflected on the screen. The series will deepen its research in the second season and will appear before the audience with more striking reports.
Will there be a second season of the series?
History Channel has not been renewed for the second season of the series so far. The series, which has not yet caught enough popularity worldwide, still has a fan base. We think that the series, which has enough ratings on the History Channel, will have a second season. Of course, this is just a guess. We will wait for the series to be renewed for a clear decision. If the series is renewed, a new season will come out in the spring of 2021.
- The series has been renewed, and the second season of ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’ will air between 4 May 2021 – 6 July 2021 as 10 episodes.
Is there a trailer for the second season?
The second season of the series has not yet been renewed. In this case, it does not seem possible to see a trailer for the second season. We will share it with you when it is published. Stay tuned for renewal announcements and upcoming news.