The Rising of the Shield Hero is originally a Japanese light novel written by Aneko Yusagi. The story was so loved that the manga, spin-off series, and anime adaptation were released. The anime adaptation of the story, directed by Takao Abo, originally aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, TVA, KBS, SUN, TVQ, BS11 on January 9, 2019. The series was created by Kinema Citrus studio, and licensed by Crunchyroll. The studio also animated another popular anime, Made in Abyss. The Rising of the Shield Hero, which has plenty of comedy elements, was released in 25 episodes and completed its first season on June 26, 2019. Fans are asking will there be a second season of the anime, what will be the plot-line and when will it air?
The Rising of The Shield Hero Season 2 Plot
The Rising of the Shield Hero is the story of a man who has been unjustly charged with crimes he has not committed. He begins his journey alone, searching for vengeance, after being labeled as an expelled criminal. He doesn’t have any money, and he has lost his trust. All he owns is his shield. He vows vengeance against those who abused him, by framing and deceiving.
Season 1 closed with a new surprise, where we saw Glass and L’arc identify themselves as heroes of the other world. Naofumi had to protect himself against their combined assaults and was able to drive Glass into a corner while L’arc had to face with Raphtalia, Filo, and Princess Melty. But that’s when a crucial question hits him: does he really want to defend this new world?
Naomi and her friends developed up in the first season of The Rising of the Shield Hero. In season two, to confront new obstacles, they will take all they learned from the first season? Naomi and her friends are going to have to face a lot of different difficulties like a giant enemy called Turtle Spirit, or moving to a new world. Now that they are mature, how can Naofumi, Raphtalia, and Filo take them over?
REVENGE! The Rising of the Shield Hero
It seems that the war violence around our main character, who has experienced the injustice in the different world he is drawn into and then turned into a violent person compared to the past, will increase. Where do we get that from? Of course, from the new visual and clip for Rising of The Shield Hero / Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari.
Will there be a second season of The Rising of The Shield Hero?
Good news, Crunchyroll announced at Crunchyroll Expo on Sunday, September 1, 2019, that there will be two additional seasons of The Rising of The Shield Hero anime. We will be able to watch the second and third seasons of the series. A new visual of the anime has also been released. The manga also provides enough source material for a new season of the series. When the ratings are good as well, a second season was inevitable.
When is the release date of the 2nd season of the anime?
The release date of the new season of the anime was announced as October 2021, but the latest news will upset the fans. According to the announcement made on July 7, 2021, the new season of the anime has been postponed to April 2022. In the news published on the official site, it was stated that April is the planned release date, and the final date will be announced later. Fortunately, as of October 31, 2021, there is no additional delay on the release date.
Season 2 Trailer
Also, a trailer has officially been released for the second season. The trailer met with fans on the official Crunchyroll Youtube channel in September 2020. Despite being a stagnant trailer, Shield Hero’s return is excellent.