The Promised Neverland, originally named Yakusoku no Neverland, is an anime series based on Kaiu Shirai’s manga. Its manga was first released on August 1, 2016, and the anime series premiered on January 11, 2019, with 12 episodes of the first season. Anime was one of the best anime of 2019. You can also see the best anime series broadcast on Netflix in 2020. Going back to The Promised Neverland; The anime was created by CloverWorks, the same studio as Ace Attorney. Licensed by major anime distributors like Crunchyroll and Funimation, anime quickly proved itself. Originally broadcast on Fuji TV, the anime was also broadcast on platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max, making it one of the world’s most popular anime. The second season of the dark fantasy anime is now being wondered. Has the series been renewed for a second season? When will it start airing?
What is the plotline of The Promised Neverland?
Although they do not have parents in 2045, they form a happy big family with other children and their “Mother” who care about them. No child is overlooked, especially since they are all adopted by the age of 12. Their daily life is full of tough tests, but they are allowed to play outside after the exams. There is only one rule they must follow: not leave the orphanage. But one day, two exam winners, Emma and Norman, go to the orphanage’s door and reveal the terrible truth behind their existence: what will Emma and her friends do when they learn the striking truth?
What will happen in the second season?
Season 2 will probably revolve around Emma’s promise to other kids. The director of the show, Mamoru Kanbe, said this season would have many more obstacles. There will be the same level of tension in season two. In the last chapter, Isabella’s relationship with demons can be revealed, as we learn that she is the mother of children in the orphanage and Ray’s biological mother.
There will also be information about Emma’s past. Minerva’s character remained a secret throughout season one. This season can reveal your character and the importance of the demon forest. The forest was seen towards the end of the season when Emma escaped from the orphanage. Yet, we still don’t know if it’s related to the demon in the orphanage. There is a lot to reveal, and it certainly looks like we’ll see many complications in the Yakusoku no Neverland season. The biggest curiosity is what happened to Norman. The season ended with months of preparation, after which the escape plans worked; Emma promised the other kids that she would return to save them.
Many other things are waiting for us in the new season, such as Emma, Norman, Ray, and other children’s adventures.
Will there be a second season of Promised Neverland?
The good news is that CloverWorks has renewed the series for a second season. The renewal announcement was made shortly before The Promised Neverland manga ended with Episode 181.
During Anime Expo 2019, TPN director Mamoru Kanbe said adapting the manga’s story would definitely be a “challenge”. He also said that the staff is already working on the anime script. Producer Kenta Suzuki talked about how Promised Neverland season 2 will be different, as the first season focused on the main characters who escaped from Grace Field House. For the second season, “Will he be able to keep Emma’s promise?” They want to focus on the title.
“I definitely want everyone to feel the same intense experience as the first season,” he told viewers at Anime Expo 2019. said. The second season of The Promised Neverland anime is produced by the animation studio CloverWorks, known for the popular Rascal Bunny Girl Senpai and Darling in the FranXX.
When is the second season release date?
CloverWorks has officially announced that the new season date, originally planned to be 20 October 2020, has been delayed and will be released in January 2021. We hope there will be no second delay.
- The series has released on January 6, 2021. You can watch the series on Funimation and Hulu. The new season airs weekly and will consist of 12 episodes.
- Season two is over, we’ve speculated about the third season release date here.