The English Game is a historical sports documentary broadcast on Netflix with its first season in 2020. This documentary, which takes the origins of modern football, was published on the Netflix platform on 20 March 2020 as six episodes. The British documentary, created by Belgravia and Downton Abbey’s producer Julian Fellowes, attracted attention shortly after its release. In the mini tv series IMDb, it has an above-average score of 7.6 with user votes. The production, which featured actors such as Edward Holcroft, Kevin Guthrie, Charlotte Hope, Niamh Walsh, Craig Parkinson, and James Harkness, takes place in the 1870s. The second season of the series is currently being wondered. Has the drama been approved for a second season, and when is it expected to air? Before we get into the second season’s details, let’s remember the documentary and look at the expectations.
What is the plotline of ‘The English Game‘?
The English Game is an exciting series about the origins of football. Those who want to get detailed information about how football has developed in the UK can watch this legendary series. The birth of football in The English Game series consists of a political background. A football team composed of revolutionaries, the working class and a football team formed by the country’s bourgeois elites competes with each other.
The willingness and determination of these two teams to beat each other causes football to develop a lot over time: They wanted to be the best, so they developed. Football, which was almost entirely violent in the early days, and even the basic rules were quite unclear, has evolved intensely until it becomes today.
One of the most striking things throughout the series is the characters and general aura who are dressed very realistically according to the characteristics of the period. The football you will encounter in this extremely impressive Netflix series is nothing like football today. While football is evolving with the aristocratic structure of England, it is reaching its present state.
What is expecting for season 2?
Holcroft was one of the most prominent characters in the first season of the series. The character’s unique charisma was extremely interesting. According to the predictions of many fans of this series, we will have the chance to observe Holcroft’s personal story in more detail in season 2 of The English Game. In the series, we said that the fashion of the period was reflected impressively. This success can be sustained if a similar team will work in the second season. Those who want to keep watching football’s evolving step by step from the state of anarchy to the “real football” really want the new season of the series to be shot.
Will there be a second season of The English Game?
Netflix has unfortunately not yet renewed the second season of the series. As a matter of fact, The English Game was a miniseries. We rarely saw miniseries being renewed for the second season. Although they have ratings, this is not something we are used to. In terms of the story, the series actually left a lot of open doors. However, there are always open points in such a series. This does not always indicate a second season.
Julian Fellowes, who is also the creator of Downtown Abbey, is currently working on another project. The Gilded Age, which will be released on HBO, is a different historical drama tv series project of Julian Fellowes from similar dates.
About the new historical drama: The Gilded Age
The Gilded Age reveals the story of a period of significant economic change in New York in 1885. The series is about the events that unfolded after Marian Brook, who lost her family, moved in with her conservative aunt in New York. Marian’s struggle against the new rules of this society she is not accustomed to will be unveiled as she meddles in the glamorous lives of her wealthy neighbors.