‘Steins; Gate 0‘ is a sci-fi and thriller anime series that aired in spring 2018. The anime, which was released as a spin-off to the Steins Gate series, is adapted from the visual video game of the same name as the main anime series. It was created by White Fox, creator of worldwide hit anime such as Re: Zero Starting Life in Another World and The Devil Is a Part-Timer. The anime is also listed on the famous anime streaming platform Funimation. Originally broadcast on many local networks (Tokyo MX, TVA, KBS, SUN, TVQ, AT-X, BS11, GYT), Steins Gate 0 has not yet come to the screens with a second season. So what is known about the second season of the series so far? Let’s remember the series and take a look at all the known ones.
What is the Plotline of Steins; Gate 0?
Would you choose to terminate an artificial intelligence program in your past where your memories are somehow transferred before you die so that you can save your own body in the future? How many times would you have witnessed the deaths of the people you love to save their lives? How many times would you risk or try from the beginning if you knew that the world was going to a very probable war and a line that caused the death of millions of people? Who would you sacrifice?
Steins; Gate 0 crosses the so-called Beta World Line. That is, to the timeline where Okabe undoes all the changes he made for experimentation and entertainment, preventing SERN from taking over the world but unable to prevent the death of loved ones. Mad scientist Okabe, who saved both Kurisu and Mayuri with the help of his future self in the first anime, is not getting help from the future this season. Therefore, he cannot save Makise Kurisu from death and cannot prevent the 3rd World War. After Okabe fails in his attempt to save Kurisu, he gives up and buries his lively crazy scientist self in the dusty pages of the past. He is no longer the “Hououin Kyouma” we know. When everything is normalized now, he retreats into the past by meeting Kirusu, who tells him that he has started testing a device that stores a human memory and has created a simulation with their characters and personalities. Okabe also takes the test and experiences that the Kurisu simulation brings with it some unexpected tragedies. “Zero” is a side story that explores the future of Beta Attractor Field, contributing to making the original story possible.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
White Fox or any anime-related company has not renewed Steins Gate 0 for a second season. One of the most important criteria for animes to get new season approvals is popularity. When we look at the popularity of Steins Gate, we see that it is a series that is followed around the world. The series is such that it is among the 200 most popular anime so far, according to Myanimelist data. On the other hand, the main series is among the 15 most popular anime. On Twitter, on the other hand, the anime has 77k followers, which is not bad at all.
However, we think that a second season of the anime will be quite difficult because everything in Visual Novel has been adapted so far, and there is not enough source material for the anime to continue. The anime is based on the visual novel “Steins; Gate 0” developed by 5pb., released in 2015, and a new game is not expected anytime soon. It is also worth noting that spin-off series usually have a one-season broadcast life. We will be following the news for you, and we will share it with you if there is a renewal, but until then, we recommend you to watch the B: The Beginning series, which is a similar type of anime.