Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (aka Seishun Buta Yarou) is a beloved anime series aired in 2018 in the psychological and supernatural genre. The anime was originally adapted from a light novel written by Hajime Kamoshida. This anime, which has made its mark in recent years, has attracted attention worldwide with its different atmosphere. Licensed by many anime distributors such as Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Aniplex, the series was also broadcast on Hulu TV and Aniplus Asia. Thanks to the platforms published, it gained many viewers in a short time. In the meantime, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai was created by the famous anime studio CloverWorks. The studio has had successful products such as The Promised Neverland and Ace Attorney in recent years. The first season of the series was broadcast between October 4, 2018 – December 27, 2018, on ABC, Tokyo MX, GTV, GYT, BS11, Mētele, AT-X. After about two years, the audience is still curious; Will there be a second season of the series, and what awaits us in a possible second season?
What is the plotline of the anime?
Puberty Syndrome; It’s a mysterious syndrome that, according to rumors, can only be seen in adolescents. For example; “Girl in a bunny suit” suddenly appears in front of Sakuta Azusagawa. She is a high school senior named Mai Sakurajima, who is very quiet these days, famous among young people. The reason is unknown, no one else can see her seductive charm. While revealing the truth behind this interesting event that comes to mind; Sakuta begins to realize his feelings for Mai. In this city where the sky and the waves shine, Sakuta also encounters different women. Will Sakuta uncover the truth behind his encounters with weird women in the syndrome mentioned?
What makes anime different and popular?
The main characters of the anime may be better rendered than any anime you’ve watched so far. Apart from the main character, the side characters are also carefully prepared. The anime has a great story from the beginning to the end, but this story is interspersed naturally into the characters’ lives. The characters don’t seem to be chasing these events, but they are already in it. This story, which contains a mystery in its beautiful story, was loved by everyone. Anime featured romance alongside this pleasant story and mystery in its first season. We can say that there is a cute comedy also in the series. We are sure that this excitement will continue in the second season, and they gave the signal of this in the movie. The movie did not compromise success like the first season of the series.
Will there be a second season of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai?
As of April 17, 2021, at the time of writing, the series has not yet been renewed for a second season. Neither CloverWorks nor licensed companies confirmed any renewal. After the first season of the series, a movie was released. It isn’t easy to guess whether this movie, which is highly acclaimed like its series, was a hint for the second season or a goodbye. While there is no official statement right now, we can speculate about the next season. The most important factor for the series to have a second season are source material adequacy and popularity. Let’s investigate…
Light Novel status of the anime (main source material)
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is a light novel adaptation, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article. The manga series, started publishing by ASCII Media Works in 2014, was written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by Keiji Mizoguchi. The good news is that the light novel series is still ongoing right now. The last volume of the series, which consists of 11 volumes in total, was released on December 10, 2020, and one or two volumes are published annually. It is gratifying that the manga does not make a finale because it is the main source material of the tv adaptation.
The anime’s first season covered five volumes. The movie was a sequel. The movie picked up where the anime left off and covered the sixth and seventh volumes. The series currently consists of 11 volumes in total, and four volumes remain for a second season. The remaining source material is very critical. If the team is to prepare a 5-volume anime season as in the first season, one more volume will need to be released.
Disc Sales and Film Revenue
Disc sales are important for anime to get a new season approval. Disc sales are also important data not only for financial reasons but also to see how popular the series is in Japan. The decision committee usually does not give a second season chance to anime selling for less than 4,000 copies. When we look at the first season disc sales of Bunny Girl Senpai, we see that it sold 7820 units in the first volume. In addition, although it was released on a small scale, the film, which was released in 2019, generated 370m YEN box office revenue. A second season seems quite possible in terms of disc sales and financial terms.
When is the second season release date?
There is no official release date and renewal yet. Although the CloverWorks drawing team says that they love to make anime on the Japanese local channel’s program and want to continue, it is more than want. We think the series will have a second season. Popularity is the most important criterion, and the popularity score of “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai” is 96.6%. It ranks at the top of the anime list with this score. The last volume of the manga has just been released, and even if the second season of the series will be adapted from these four volumes, it may reach the end of 2021, and if a new volume is expected, a second season may come sometime in 2022. We will update it when an official release date announced. CloverWorks has made some plans for 2021, but the expected anime is not among these plans yet.
Anime | Release Date |
The Promised Neverland Season 2 | January 7, 2021 |
Horimiya | January 9, 2021 |
Wonder Egg Priority | January 12, 2021 |
Shadows House | 2021 |
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai | Not confirmed yet |