Osomatsu-san is an original anime series in the comedy and parody genre that first aired in 2015. Directed by Yoichi Fujita, best known from Gintama, the series is an original production not inspired by any manga or light novel. Known for popular anime series such as Ultramarine Magmell and Akudama Drive, Pierrot studio appears as the creative studio of the production. The anime is licensed by Viz Media, which brings many mangas to readers in English, and is originally broadcast on many local networks such as TV Tokyo, TVO, TVA, AT-X, BS Japan. In addition, Osomatsu-san is distributed exclusively by many distributors. One of the main reasons that make it popular worldwide is that it is broadcast on online content platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Tubi, and PlutoTV worldwide. The final season of the anime, like the previous seasons, consisted of 25 episodes and aired weekly from October 13, 2020, to March 30, 2021. Fans are wondering now; has the anime been renewed for a fourth season?
What is the plotline of the Osomatsu-san?
Osomatsu-san is basically a dark comedy anime series that contains the absurd stories of the six brothers in each episode and is mostly for adults. The series is also the sequel of the Osomatsu-kun series, which is about the six sons of the Matsuno family after 48 years. Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu… Six unique people who have no ties to work or women live under one roof, sometimes struggle with each other, and spend their days enjoying their hobbies.
When is the fourth season of Osomatsu-san?
Viz Media or any related company has yet to renew the anime for a fourth season. But anime is a real phenomenon in japan. Anime was named 2016 Top Buzzword. Even though it’s an underrated anime with the disadvantage of its genre in other countries, its popularity in Japan might provide a season renewal. When we looked at the story, although there was no continuity, we had received the fourth season signals at some points.
Animes often use their manga series as their source material, and if the manga does not provide enough source material, a new season is very unlikely. However, Osomatsu-san is an independent production from any manga, and if it is desired to continue, source adequacy will not be a problem.
Anime became a big trend in Japan in 2015 when it was first released. For that year’s disc sales, the anime’s first season became the best-selling anime of the year with record sales. It sold 114,548 in its first volume, and on average, it sold nearly twice that of its closest competitor, ‘Fate / stay night Unlimited Blade Works Part II’. This was a huge success, but disc sales dropped in seasons two and following season three. Especially in the third season, it lagged behind many anime. This reduction in disc sales might be a concern for a fourth season, but the increase in exclusive distributors in recent years can be presented as an excuse for this decline.
Half a million people follow the anime’s Twitter account, and that’s a really hard-to-reach number of followers for an anime. Considering the anime still has a strong fan base, we are hopeful for a fourth season. Based on the previous seasons of the anime, we see that the average production time is two years. The last season met with the audience three years later, but we think that the pandemic also had an effect on this. If there is no extra delay and the anime is renewed for a new season, Season 4 may be on the screens at the end of 2023. Stay tuned for updates.