Odd Taxi is an original mystery anime series that released in the spring of 2021. The anime, whose manga was also written by Kazuya Konomoto, was produced by Japanese animation studio OLM and P.I.C.S. created in partnership. Licensed by Crunchyroll, the anime aired in Japan on AT-X and T.V. Tokyo for 13 episodes from April 6, 2021, to June 29, 2021. Set in a world of anthropomorphic animals, ODDTAXI was one of the best-rated anime of 2021. Its MAL score is 8.67, and it manages to win the admiration of the audience. Fans of the anime are now wondering if there will be a second season. Let’s remember the series and take a look at all that is known about the second season.
What is the plotline of Odd Taxi?
Set in the universe of human-like animals, this story revolves around a walrus. Odokawa, 41, a taxi driver who is also a walrus, has lived an antisocial life. His parents, who left him when he was in primary school, left a great mark on his life. The series takes place around Tokyo and is shaped by the customers that our main character takes in his taxi. We follow the life stories of Odakawa and his customers, chatting with other animals in his taxi. This anime, where the mystery element is the main element, has a different atmosphere, and we think that it will likely continue in the same line in a possible second season.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
The anime’s first season concluded on June 29, 2021. OLM, Pics, or manga publisher Shogakukan has not yet renewed the anime for a second season. The anime’s second season decision is usually based on some major factors. Under these factors, we speculated about a second season. As a result of this evaluation, a second season of the anime seems quite difficult. Let’s evaluate it together.
Although the anime has a manga series, it is not adapted from its manga. The anime and manga have the same author, and there is no adaptation at this time. If the manga series gets ahead of the anime in the future, an adaptation may be in question. However, since both series were written by the same author, there is no problem with the source material for a second season.
The anime was truly one of the top-rated anime of 2021, but it didn’t appeal to a wide audience due to its style. The anime’s first-season disc sales will take place if there are 300 pre-orders. It seems that this number has not been reached so far. If this number is exceeded and disc sales are successful, the probability of a second season may increase. Currently, the anime’s Twitter account is followed by only 27k people, which is a pretty low follower count. Although it has an acceptable search volume on Google, it seems that it has not reached enough audience in Japan. Anime is at 1634th place in the Myanimelist ranking, which is not a good ranking. (Ranks 50,8% in popularity.) On the other hand, there is currently no strong exclusive distributor behind the anime. If it is licensed by a big distributor like Netflix or Amazon in the future, the probability of a second season will increase.
When is the second season of ODDTAXI?
As of July 2021, the anime has not yet been renewed for a second season. There doesn’t seem to be a renewal anytime soon, but we’ll be following the news for you. It’s hard for the anime to have a second season for now because it doesn’t seem to have strong revenue and popularity. We know that works in this genre are not usually renewed for a second season. However, the anime world is full of surprises. If there is a renewal, we can see a new season around 2023, considering the production period. Until then, we recommend BNA, an anime of the same type.