Noughts + Crosses is a beloved TV series in the alternate history and drama genre released in 2020 spring. The series is based on Malorie Blackman’s first book of the same name in the 5-book dystopian young adult genre Noughts & Crosses novel series published between 2001-2019. Noughts and Crosses tells a forbidden love story of interracial in a dystopian society where blacks are the dominant class. The novel is a dystopian fiction set in a 21st century parallel universe. With its first season, the drama appeared on BBC One and BBC iPlayer. In September 2020, Noughts + Crosses took part in the Peacock streaming service in the USA. The series was originally broadcast between March 5, 2020, and April 10, 2020 weekly. Fans are excited for the second season now. So has the series been renewed for a second season? What awaits us in the second season?
Noughts + Crosses Season 2 Plot
Noughts + Crosses takes place in alternate Britain’s 21st century. Technologically, their world is similar to ours today: same jobs, the same model of government. However, there is one main difference; no interracial equality. No laws or constitutions are protecting against discrimination. African people have made Europeans their slaves with their technological and organizational advantages.
Noughts and Crosses is a story that begins with two young people from different classes falling in love. It received full marks from critics and audiences and was highly appreciated. That’s why the second season is eagerly awaited by everyone. So what will happen in the second season? Let’s examine it together!
What will Noughts and Crosses offer us in season two?
In the series, Sephy appears as the privileged daughter of an African politician. However, her boyfriend Callum is of European descent and from the oppressed part of society. Callum and Sephy are childhood friends and fall in love with each other. Sephy is abducted and asked for a $ 1 million ransom from his father, Hadley. His father saves his daughter by accepting this. Sephy and Callum deliver the baby news to his family, and they have Sephy’s father accept it. But that’s not all.
This time, the couple ran away from home because they had a baby. However, they were not completely saved. We will see again the difficulties they will face in the second season. They want to safely raise their children, but it will not be as easy as they think. In the second season, they will have enemies to follow. One of the Jack and Jude duos will probably be shot because of the gunshot in the last episode. We will see which one was shot in season two.
The first season of the series was very contradictory. This makes us think that the second season will come. Callum is dying, according to the novel. In the series, we’ll see if Callum will die or a new script will be written. Season two will be an enlightening season for all of these. Perhaps we will encounter many more recent events.
Will there be a second season of Noughts + Crosses?
BBC has not yet renewed Noughts + Crosses for a second season. After a shaky production process, the first season of the series was released a few years after its first announcement. The shooting of the series, which was announced in 2016, started in November 2018 and the series started to airing in March 2020. For the second season, another production time will be required.
The viewership of the series so far is sufficient. Although it is slightly below the average according to IMDB data, it is promising for the second season. The first season of the series was based on the novel Noughts & Crosses. Novel series continued the story with the novels named Knife Edge, Checkmate, Double Cross, Crossfire. There is enough source material for the series to continue for a few more seasons. However, everything depends on financial evaluations and then the second season renewal. If the series is renewed for a new season, a new season may be on the screen at the beginning of 2022, taking into account the production time.
Is there a released trailer for season 2?
No trailer has been released yet for the second season of the series. Before we can see the trailer, the series must be renewed for a new season. The first season trailer of the series below was released just about a month before its release date. We’ll have to wait a while for a new trailer. The article will be updated as the news arrived.