My Little Monster is an anime series in the romantic comedy genre where new viewers meet every day, even though it was originally released years and years ago. The anime is adapted from the same name manga series that was written by Robico and published by Kodansha from 2008 to 2013. It is first aired between October 2, 2012 – December 25, 2012, on many local Japanese networks. Brain’s Base, which we know with the beloved anime series that have appeared in recent years, such as BNA and In/Spectre, was also animated My Little Monster. The anime series, licensed by NIS America and listed on Crunchyroll, is still popular today. We witness that the animes return to the screens with a new season. So could there be a second season of My Little Monster after all this time?
What was the plotline of the anime?
Shizuku Mizutani is an emotionless high school girl who does not have many friends and social life, only thinks about her lessons and career. She takes her lecture notes to Yoshida Haru, who is sentenced to a brief suspension for fighting one day at her teacher’s request. Yoshida, known by everyone as a terrible person, is actually friendly, very intelligent but unable to express his feelings well. It bothers Shizuku, even though she is callous that there are self-seekers around Yoshida. With Yoshida realizing this situation, only Shizuku remains as a friend around him. The friendship between the two will gradually progress from now on.
Will there be a second season of My Little Monster?
As of May 22, 2022, at the time of writing, the anime has not yet been renewed for a new season so far. My Little Monster originally aired between October 1, 2012 – December 24, 2012. Then, on August 12, 2013, an OVA episode delighted fans. Animax Asia, Brain’s Base, NIS America, or any related company with the anime did not hint at a new season. If enough source material is available for an anime, there is always a possibility for a new season. Despite the years that have passed, anime can get approval for the new season; this is different from TV drama series. We need to check some main factors to evaluate if we will be able to see the new season in the future.
The manga written by Robico was published by Kodansha from August 23, 2008, to June 24, 2013. It has been a long time since the final of the manga series consisting of 12 volumes + 1 special volume, and it does not seem possible to continue anymore. In the first season of the anime, only the first 4 volumes were adapted. It shows that the remaining 9 volumes can be adapted for a new anime season. A new season is still possible in terms of stock material availability.
On the other hand, when we look at the anime’s disc sales, we cannot say that it performed well at that time. It was below the 4,000 sales threshold, and we haven’t seen a new season for so long, perhaps because it was not considered financially sufficient. However, we can say that anime’s popularity has increased rather than decreased in the past years. Its popularity score is 95,3% according to the Myanimelist popularity score and many viewers are still waiting for the second season.
In recent years, there has been good news that will give hope for the second season. Last year, Netflix India announced it would release the anime, and in April 2021, Sentai Filmworks Acquired the Digital Rights of My Little Monster Anime. However, we see that the official Twitter account of the anime is no longer kept as updated as before. The Twitter account, where even this news is not shared, is followed by only 8k people. It still has above-average search popularity on Google worldwide.
When is the second season of the anime?
Anime has not yet been renewed for a 2nd season, but Brain’s Base still actively produces anime. The factors that reduce the anime’s chances for the new season: Low disc sales, and long elapsed time. On the other hand, the factors that increase the odds: Still above-average popularity, stock material availability, and the live-action movie released in 2018. When we consider the pros and cons, we think that the possibility of a new season is very difficult, but not impossible. A new season can be seen in 2023-2024, depending on the production period and renewal time. However, it seems that the most logical way to learn the rest of the story is to read the manga series right now. Stay tuned for updates.