My Hero Academia is an anime series that has managed to get full marks from the audience since its first airing in 2016. Adapted from the famous superhero manga series in the same name, written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The anime series has been successfully animated by Bones studio since day one. We also know the studio with successful adaptations such as Mob Psycho 100 and SK8 the Infinity. We also know how successful the studio was in getting a new season approval. The 5th season of the anime, also known as Boku no Hero Academia, consisted of 25 episodes as in the other seasons except for the first season and aired from March 27, 2021, to September 25, 2021. Licensed by Funimation, the production was originally broadcast by JNN in Japan and by Adult Swim in the US. It was the OVA episode on February 16, 2022, which we watched the series last time. So was this a finale for the anime? When will My Hero Academia Season 6 air? We have compiled all the known ones about the sixth season.
After My Hero Academia 5th Season
Boku no Hero Academia is a series followed with interest worldwide. It takes place in a world where we often hear about superheroes and villains. It is about the long-term adventure of Izuku Midoriya and his friends to become heroes. Season 5 of the anime is adapted from the “Joint Training,” “Internship at Endeavor’s Agency,” and “Villain Academia” arcs of the original manga. The season 5 finale of the show received mixed reactions from fans and critics. While the drama leveled up and had a landmark ending to the season, fans who also follow manga criticized them negatively, especially for censoring some of the manga’s more gruesome moments.
Will there be a 6th Season of the anime?
The unknowns about the new season is at the top of the questions that the fans ask about the anime. According to many criticisms, the broadcast season of the anime was an intermediate season, and the main adventure will take place in the 6th season. The good news is that the anime easily managed to get the new season approval as it used to. After the fifth season finale of My Hero, Academia aired on September 25, 2021, the announcement of the new season was made just after the final, and the series was renewed. The anime’s new season will be adapted from the original manga’s “Paranormal Liberation War” arc. Trailers for the new season were also published, as you can watch at the end of our article.
2 Special OVA Episodes Coming Before 6th Season
Alongside the ongoing manga, the My Hero Academia art team released several announcements to promote the series. While most of the new visuals heralded the anticipated battle in season 6, some were much more festive. Author Kohei Horikoshi has posted a few fun illustrations, including a piece celebrating the tiger year and an image of the characters playing baseball. However, it is clear that these images were not just for the April 1st joke.
Although the fans will have to wait a few more months for the 6th season of Boku no Hero Academia, it seems that the special episodes they will watch beforehand will make this wait a little more bearable. According to the news announced in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump, My Hero Academia will receive two OVA episodes. The premiere of the first episode will take place in Japan in mid-June and will be released in other countries in mid-summer.
The baseball illustration appears to be a subtle introduction for My Hero Academia season 6 as well, as the characters are said to be featured in “Hero League Baseball” in the first special episode. In the section that reflects the promotional image, there are the My Hero Academia characters Heroes and U.A. He seems to have split into two teams where his students take part in a strange baseball game. However, there is currently no release date for the second OVA episode. However, it is estimated that it will be aired before long and before the 6th season begins.
When is the 6th season of the anime?
The anime announced the new season confirmation on September 25, 2021, along with the 5th season finale. However, there has been no announcement yet from the creative team, licensees, or any anime-related company regarding the anime’s exact new season date. Although a precise date has not been announced, we know in which period the anime will be broadcast. According to Weekly Shonen Jump, where the manga is published, My Hero Academia Season 6 will be released in Fall 2022.
Release Date | |
Season 1 | April 3, 2016 |
Season 2 | April 1, 2017 |
Season 3 | April 7, 2018 |
Season 4 | October 12, 2019 |
Season 5 | March 27, 2021 |
Season 6 | Fall 2022 |
How many seasons will the anime have in total?
The manga series began broadcasting on July 7, 2014. The series, published by Shueisha in Japan, also meets with the readers in English, thanks to Viz Media. The original series reached 34 volumes and 339 chapters, with the volume published on May 2, 2022. In addition, the manga series will have a new volume on July 4, 2022. There are 353 chapters published at the time of writing, together with the chapters that are not in the Tankoben format yet. The 113 episodes published for the anime cover 257 chapters of the manga series. The following season of the anime is expected to cover up to volume 31. Plans show that the anime will get a 7th season, but it’s hard to predict what the manga series will bring in the future. However, as long as the manga series continues, we think that the anime series will not have difficulty in getting new season approvals.
How popular is the My Hero Academia?
Many anime get their new season approval based on the viewership and source material availability. The series, written by Kōhei Horikoshi, is very popular worldwide, especially in Japan, and therefore it had no difficulty in getting the new season approvals. The anime series is one of the most popular anime of all time, according to Myanimelist data (6th). It is also one of the rare series with more than a million followers on Twitter. In addition, the manga of the series has 65 million copies in circulation and is on the bestseller lists.