Meiji Tokyo Renka is a visual novel adapted TV series in the genre called a reverse harem. Developed as a visual novel by Broccoli in 2013, the script was adapted to the anime in 2019. The anime series directed by director Akitaro Daichi, who directed Fruits Basket in 2001, was created by the successful anime series owner TMS Entertainment. Apart from the studio’s Fruits Basket, they have successful anime such as Dr. Stone and Baki. Crunchyroll also licenses Meiji Tokyo Renka so it can be viewed worldwide. The series, which was broadcast as 12 episodes on TV Aichi, Tokyo MX local channels between March 27, 2019, is currently one season. Fans are excited about the second season. Will the series have a second season?
Meiji Tokyo Renka Season 2 Plotline
Mei Ayazuki is an ordinary high school girl; She is sent to Meiji-era Japan by a magician named Charlie on a red full moon night. This strange Meiji era is a time when ghosts are believed to exist. She unconsciously wanders around, she suddenly finds herself in Rokumeikan. There she learns that she was ‘Tamayori’; that is, she had the ability to see ghosts that were considered superior at that time. Thanks to this talent, her relationships with the men around her begin to change. As he gradually gets to know the men of this ancient period, he also loves them. Will Mei be able to return to her own time? But what will happen to his love for transcending time and space?
After the final episode (spoiler): The final episode of the series made the audience cry. Music, characters, voices, clothes, and drawings were very successful. The studio has already proven itself with previous productions. That kissing scene between Mei and Ougai san especially made the fans cry. In a possible second season, We hope Mei returns to that time again, fans want it. Meantime, Shunsou and Ougai-san’s final speech seemed to signal the second season. Let’s see will we see a second season?
Will there be a second season of the anime?
At the time of writing, Meiji Tokyo Renka has not yet been renewed for a second season. Neither Crunchyroll nor TMS has made a statement about it. This anime series is actually part of a larger multimedia franchise. It is really more like an adaptation for one time. We can say that there is no source material to adapt to anime for the next seasons. Meantime, TMS also has some plans for next year, but not Meiji Tokyo Renka.
Besides, the popularity of the series is not enough for a second season. The popularity score is 30.7%. When you compare this score with other anime on our anime page, you can see that the situation is not good. The anime world is full of surprises, but we don’t expect a second season. Fans of the series can try the series’ games.
Next plans of the studio TMS | Release |
Burning Kabaddi | 2021 |
Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles | TBA |
Beyblade Strive Series | TBA |
Meiji Tokyo Renka | Not Expecting |