Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story is a game-based anime series released in 2020, featuring elements of mystery and magic. Anime, a TV adaptation of the game published by Aniplex and featured on many platforms developed by f4samurai, revolves around Iroha, a magical girl. The anime has been actively created by the anime producer Shaft studio since the early 2000s. Those who watch March Comes in Like a Lion will also know the studio’s style because it is the work of the same studio. Like its game, the anime, licensed by Aniplex of America, originally aired on several local networks such as Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV, BS11, MBS from January 4, 2020, to March 28, 2020. The series is also listed on Funimation and Crunchyroll. Afterward, any OVA episode or a new season did not meet with the audience. It is wondered whether the series will have a second season. We will take a look at all known about the series.
What is the plotline of the anime?
The game is a spinoff and story of the Puella Magi Madoka Magica anime set in a thriving city called Kamihama. Guided by a strange power, magical girls gather in this town and fight a new force drawn from witches. Iroha Tamaki joins the other magical girls to come to town and search for her missing sister Ui. Before long, Homura Akemi also comes to town.
“If I can understand the mystery of this town, maybe I can save Kaname.”
The new character Iroha Tamaki (voiced by Momo Asakura) is a magical girl who wants to save her sister from illness, and Madoka Kaname (also voiced by Aoi Yūki) comes to Kamihama in search of her missing friend Homura.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
The first season of the anime was released between January 4, 2020 – March 28, 2020, and consists of 13 episodes in total. There was good news for the audience at the end of the anime’s first season. The anime has been renewed for a second season. The update news has also been confirmed by Funimation. Since the anime is based on a game, it has mostly original content, but the game is a spin-off of the previously released Puella Magi Madoka Magica and we think we will be able to see new characters from the previous series in the second season of the anime.
Although the anime has received a second season confirmation, it looks still underrated. Despite its quality, it has not yet been heard around the world. According to our metrics, the popularity score is 57.7%, and many anime with this score cannot be approved for the new season. The anime needs to increase its current popularity in the second season, which will be released. This is important for the continuity of the series and renewals for other seasons.
What about the disc sales of the first season?
Although anime is not popular worldwide with its first season, it enjoys considerable popularity in Japan. We can see this from the first season disc sales. Usually, an anime has to sell, on average, 4,000 copies per week. There was a 6-week sale for the first season of the anime. As can be seen from the sales results, it owes the second season to the success of the disc sales in a way.
Volume | Sales | Date |
1 | 10,479 | 4.03.2020 |
2 | 6,711 | 8.04.2020 |
3 | 5,840 | 10.06.2020 |
4 | 6,451 | 5.08.2020 |
5 | 6,161 | 2.09.2020 |
When is the second season of Magia Record?
The second season of the anime was expected to hit the screens at the end of 2021. However, the production team gave the news that will make the fans happy. The new season of the anime will meet with the audience in Summer 2021. According to the statement from the official website, the cast and staff will return for a second season. Along with the season news, a new key visual was also released. Although it has not been clarified yet, the new season of the anime is expected to consist of 13 episodes like the previous season.