Little Witch Academia is a school and fantasy anime series with lots of magic motifs created by the famous Japanese anime director Yoh Yoshinari. The anime, which is an original production that takes place in a world where magic is real, many things can be done with magic words, and witches live in humans, is not inspired by any manga. The adventure, which started with an anime movie for the first time in 2013, continued with published manga and additional films. The anime series, which was released in 2017, was listed on Netflix and attracted attention worldwide. The anime series was created by Studio Trigger, like its movies and BNA: Brand New Animal, another of the same studio’s original productions. Originally aired by Tokyo MX, BS11, KTV local broadcasters between January 9, 2017 – June 26, 2017, the anime was also broadcast on Netflix in two parts. Now it is wondering whether the series will have a third season.
What is the plotline of the anime?
The story begins with Akko wanting to be a witch, watching Shiny Chariot, a famous witch. For this, she enrolls in Luna Nova Academy, which gives magic lessons to witch candidates. Akko, who managed to get himself in trouble from the first episode, is good friends with Lotte and Sucy, while she cannot get along with Diana, who is from a famous witch family. A great job falls on Ursula Sensei, who is Akko’s teacher because Akko cannot do magic at all.
On the other hand, Akko, who cannot even fly with a broom, gets into all sorts of trouble and manages to attract people’s attention. But she really wants to meet Shiny Chariot. Of course, there are interesting adventures throughout the series. Throughout the Little Witch Academia anime’s episodes, it touches on the supporting characters’ stories in an impressive way. The fact that the anime is 25 episodes is a big factor in this. Akko can go on an adventure with many side characters, so we get to know the side characters better.
Akko is a cute but silly, hasty, and exciting character that appears in many anime but does not give up on what she believes easily. The most enjoyable character of the series while watching. Akko’s calm friend Lotte, her reckless friend Sucy and the characters she does not agree with, Diana, complement each other very well. Of course, as the story progresses, we start to get to know our characters, which are not what they seem. As such, a very watchful and entertaining anime emerges.
When we look at the sub-texts, we also watch topics about the place and position of witchcraft and witchcraft in the anime universe. We see political dead ends, albeit from the edge. On the other hand, Little Witch Academia is also fed by today’s world. That is, careful viewers also see some popular subjects and objects in the anime from our age.
Will there be a third season of Little Witch Academia?
Although Netflix describes it as two seasons, it is because it is broadcast in two parts. Actually comprised of a single season, the anime aired in Japan from January 9, 2017, to June 26, 2017, and consists of 25 episodes in total. Nevertheless, in our article, we considered and titled it as two different seasons like Netflix. At the time of writing, as of June 10, 2022, Studio Trigger or any related company has yet to renew the series for a third season. The anime, which is an original production, has no source material to provide from a manga for a new season. A third season may be possible if Yoh Yoshinari, who laid the story’s foundations and takes the biggest role in the story, wrote a sequel to the series.
Although there is no written work on the story, some factors need to be evaluated for the anime to continue. The anime series ranked 299th in Myanimelist based on popularity and this is not bad for anime that is released in 2017. When we look at the searches made on google for anime, we see an above-average search volume. On Twitter, 45k people follow the anime’s official Twitter account. Finally, it sold around 3000 discs, generating ¥179,170,000 revenue in anime disc sales. All these are data that can be considered a success when evaluated for an anime.
When is the third season of the Little Witch Academia?
But is a third season really possible? Considering all you’ve read, the third season really looks likely. However, there are negative factors as well. Studio Trigger is a studio that is interested in original productions rather than manga adaptations. The studio, which started working for BNA with Yoh Yoshinari again, seems to have shelved Little Witch Academia for now.
On the other hand, the story must not be completed for Little Witch Academia to continue. Although it’s not tied to a manga, it’s important that the story should be promising for another season. In the 25-episode scenario, the story seems to be completed with a satisfying finale. All of the seven words were found, and the goal was completed. After a season that didn’t leave much open door, a third season seems unlikely.
During an interview, Yoh Yoshinari stated that he and Trigger had previously planned a new season and that they had failed in the end and then he started to direct BNA. (Source: Japanese Magazine, Gigazine) We think that if an order for a new season comes in in the future, it will be evaluated, but since there is no clue for a new season until recently, our objective opinion is that the series will not have a new season. However, the anime world is full of surprises, if the series is renewed for a new season, the production time will exceed one year, and although it is very unlikely, we can see a new season in 2023-2024.