Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear is a cute anime series with a strange name. Anime, which was released in 2020 with its first season, meets the audience in the genre of isekai and comedy. The anime series is an adaptation of the manga series written and illustrated by Japanese artist Kumanano. The anime, prepared by EMT Squared studio, which we haven’t seen many works of them in the anime industry, is licensed by Funimation. Originally aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS11, SUN, KBS local channels between October 7, 2020 – December 23, 2020, the anime consisted of 12 episodes in the first season. An OVA episode is not expected for now. However, fans are excited about a second season. So has the anime been renewed for a second season?
What is the plotline of the anime?
Fifteen-year-old Yuna obsessively plays her favorite VRMMO at home instead of going to school and doing other things. With a strange new update, Yuna is devastated when she gains a bear suit with very powerful abilities. The outfit is cute, but it’s a shame to wear it in the game. But then she finds herself in the game world, facing monsters and magic, and the bear suit is her most powerful weapon!
Although it seems to have a cliché story as İsekai, the anime has a different and original line. The character’s status in the light novel is not fully reflected in the anime. The main character, Yuna, is a stockbroker in real life and is very successful at her job. She dropped out of school. She was thrown early in life. She’s a smart character who has made a lot of money. No matter how much you wear a bear costume, Yuna is actually depressed. She builds her life on questions and always moves on. But over time, we will see radical changes in her character.
Will there be a second season of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear?
Good news came for fans right after the anime’s first season. After the final episode, the anime was renewed for a second season, according to the official Twitter account. Funimation verified the renewal on the official website.
According to the annotation, the ending theme “Ane.-Loved ones ver.-“, which was played along with the last scene of the first season of the anime, is now on sale on music platforms such as iTunes.
When is the release date of the second season?
The release date of the new season has not been decided yet. The anime’s approval for a new season before the disc sales are released suggests that it is currently in production. It looks like we won’t be waiting for a new season for years to come. Considering that the average production time is one year, a new season of the series is expected in late 2021.
Light novel & Anime comparison in terms of stock material
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Anime is adapted from the light novel series written and illustrated by Kumanano. The light novel series, which has been published since May 29, 2015, is still ongoing. The last book of the series, which reached 16 volumes in total, was published on September 25, 2020, and a new volume will be published soon. The anime covers the first 5 volumes in the first season. There are 11 volumes left and enough source material for at least two seasons. If everything goes well after a second season, it could be a third season.