Kengan Ashura is a fighting anime created by Japanese animation studio Larx Entertainment. The anime, which resembles Baki at first glance, was one of the animations that attracted great attention and attracted attention in the world last year. We watched aesthetic fights with bare hands, bloody, and deaths in the anime. It was one of the best anime of 2019. According to the IMDb data, which received a high rating of 8.0 from users. The series is an adaptation of a manga of the same name. The manga series written and illustrated by Yabako Sandrovich has been published in Ura Sunday & MangaONE magazines. The Netflix licensed anime adaptation, on the other hand, drew more sound than its manga. Fans are wondering if there will be a third season. It has been quite a while since the series was last aired. Before we get into the third season’s details, let’s take a look at the past and expectations.
What happened in previous seasons and what is expected?
In this series’s world, deadly struggles have taken place between fighters on behalf of merchants since the Edo period. In the past, there was a dirty competition between merchants to be able to the palace’s supplier status. Shogun finally steps in and orders it to be shaped into a duel with what he will determine when there is hostility. Subsequently, Kengan fights that continue secretly. This process has come to the present day. The two companies find themselves in a fighting tournament to win the contract. The president of the Kengan League is also elected in the same way. Challenge the president tournament is held, and companies with a high fee can participate in this tournament. This tournament is called the Kengan Death Tournament.
Our hero is Tokita Ohma and Kazuo Yamashita. Yamashita is the ordinary, not-so-good salesperson working for the Nogi Group. One day, witness a fight in the back streets. A teenager knocks down a man who is almost three times his size without difficulty. When Yamashita asks his name, Tokita Ohma gets his answer. Ohma has been a fighter of the Nogi Group, and the Nogi Group President has commissioned Yamashita to take care of it.
The fight scenes and drawings of the series are also very successful. Anime looks like 3D at first glance, it’s as flexible as 2D. The highly anticipated tournament will continue in the third season, and the winner of the tournament falling 16 out of 32 people may be determined in the third season. Ohma is the favorite of most of us, but we all know all of the characters are good as well. Will he be eliminated, or will he be the winner of the tournament? It will allow the third season to answer these questions.
Will there be a third season of Kengan Ashura?
The announcement made on March 23, 2022, from the anime’s official Twitter account delighted the fans. According to the official news, the anime has been renewed for a third season. The editor of the Kengan Omega manga announced that the season will cover up to the original manga’s end (the end of the tournament). The third season of the anime will be broadcast worldwide by Netflix.
Manga Status (Source Material)
Written by Yabako Sandrovich, the original series was published from April 18, 2012, to August 9, 2018, and is no longer ongoing. The series consists of 27 volumes in total, and there will be no new volumes. However, the sequel titled Kengan Omega tells two years after the original series and is still ongoing. The last volume of the sequel manga series, which began airing in Japan on February 19, 2019, was released on September 16, 2021, reaching a total of 10 volumes. The anime was adapted from the main Kengan Ashura series, and 21 volumes were adapted into the anime in the first two seasons and the third season will cover up to the end of the original manga series.
In terms of popularity, we see that the Kengan Ashura has only 18k followers on Twitter, and it is not in a good place in the popularity ranking on Myanimelist. However, this part is a little tricky because Netflix animes don’t always manage to be popular in Japan. On the contrary, there is strong popularity around the world. Although it’s been a while since the last season of the anime, it’s still more searched than popular anime like Plunderer or Given. With this popularity, it is possible for Netflix to give anime a chance for another season.
When is the third season of the anime?
The new season of the anime has been announced. However, As of June 4, 2022, no official news shared so far has included a clue about the new season date. The new season date is usually announced within a few months after the renewals, but in rare cases, this period may extend up to a year. We think the production time of Kengan Ashura will be about a year. We can expect the new season in early 2023. Stay tuned for official announcements.
Is there a trailer for season 3?
It is not possible to see a trailer without the new season approval of the series. We can only see a new trailer from the animation studio a few months before the third season air. To remember, we share with you one of the last released trailers of the series. Stay tuned for updates.