“Just Because!” is an original anime series that aired in 2017 in the genre of school, drama, and slice-of-life. Written by Hajime Kamoshida and directed by Atsushi Kobayashi, this anime is not based on any manga or light novel. The anime has been produced by the same studio that produced “Gamers!“, based on Sekina Aoi’s light novel. Pine Jam‘s, which is quite new in the anime industry, also produced Gleipnir, a beloved anime series nowadays. The anime, licensed by Sentai Filmworks, originally aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, tvk, MBS, BS Fuji local Japanese channels. After the first season aired between October 5, 2017 – December 28, 2017, a second season has not met with the audience so far. So, will the series have a second season after more than three years?
What is the plotline of ‘Just Because!’?
Three students in the last semester of high school plan to shape their future lives, but these plans will change slightly with a new transfer student. This transfer student is a middle school friend of two of our five main characters, Natsume Mio and Souma Haruto. Izumi Eita moved to another city in the third term of the seventh grade and has not seen friends in his old city for four years. Already being accepted to a university, Eita plans to spend a boring few months at the university, but things will not go as boring as expected. After the arrival of this transfer student, Morikawa Hazuki and Komiya Ena’s life will change considerably.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
As of March 2021, at the time of writing, Pine Jam or any related company has yet to renew the series for a second season. The anime’s first season aired in 2017 and was later adapted into the novel series. There is a novel series, but it does not contain any further details about the continuation of the story because the anime has completely original content.
Disc sales of the anime may provide clues for the new season. The anime’s first season sold approximately 1,700 BluRays and DVDs. This sales figure is well below the targets, and it isn’t easy to see a new season in terms of disc sales. Although the first season of the anime is licensed by Sentai Filmworks and listed on Amazon Prime, it is not certain that the second season will be licensed. For this reason, the decision committee primarily targets disc sales.
Hajime Kamoshida is the artist who wrote the script for the series and is currently actively continuing the light novel of the “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai” series. There is no information that he or the studio has a plan for a new season.
When we look at the series’s general popularity, the volume of searches for the second season is low. 24.6K people followed their Twitter account, which has an average follower volume for an anime. With a popularity score of 75.8%, anime still has a good fanbase. We will notify you when renewal is announced for a new season in the future. We see the chance of a new season of the series below 50%, but the anime world is full of surprises. With a possible renewal, we can see a new season of the series in 2022-2023.