Infinite Dendrogram is an anime series that was released in 2020 in the genre of game and fantasy. The anime is a light novel adaptation originally written by Sakon Kaidō. The anime series, also licensed by Funimation, could be watched from all over the world. The series initially aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS11, SUN channels, and was also published on Hulu TV. The famous Japanese animation studio NAZ created the anime. We know the studio from its previous productions; NAZ recently appeared on TV with a manga adaptation like ID: Invaded. Infinite Dendrogram originally aired from January 9, 2020, to April 16, 2020. So, will the series have a second season?
What was the plotline of the anime?
In 2043, the world’s first successful VRMMO named “Infinite Dendrogram” is launched. Game; In addition to the ability to perfectly simulate the five senses, along with all its other amazing features, it promises players a world full of endless possibilities. Two years after its release, Reiji Mukudori, who will soon become a freshman in college, will finally be able to buy a copy of the game and start playing. With his experienced brother Shuu and his partner Embryo, Reiji embarks on an adventure in the world of the ‘Endless Dendrogram’. What will he discover in this game world known for its incredible realism and endless possibilities?
Will there be a second season of Infinite Dendrogram?
As of June 10, 2022, Studio Naz has not yet renewed the anime for a second season. Light novel publisher Hobby Japan is also silent for a second season. Anime’s renewals for a new season can sometimes take a long time. The production and evaluation periods are long, and the source material adequacy is why this period is extended. As there is no official renewal or cancellation yet, we can speculate on whether the series will have a second season for now. When some main factors are evaluated, it is possible to learn how high the probability of the new season of the anime is. The most important of these main factors are popularity or light novel source material sufficiency.
Light novel compared to anime (Source material)
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Infinite Dendrogram anime series is adapted from a light novel series written by Sakon Kaidō and illustrated by Taiki. The series, which was aired in NA in J-Novel Club and published by Hobby Japan, began airing in January 2016. Hopefully, the light novel series is ongoing right now. This is good news because the anime’s main source material is the light novel. And we know that animes are sometimes produced for the purpose of advertising for the ongoing series to increase sales.
The light novel series consists of 17 volumes in total, and the last volume was released on November 1, 2021. The anime is adapted from the first 5 volumes of the original and it is clear that there is enough source material to create a second season and more.
Infinity Dendrogram is an anime distributed by Hulu and Funimation, thus catching the opportunity to reach large audiences. However, when we look at Google searches, it is not possible to see strong search popularity. Compared to anime like “Mairimashita Iruma-kun” or “Saga of Tanya the Evil“, which have recently been renewed for a new season, it is less searched, and it is very difficult to see a new season confirmation with the current popularity. When we look at the official Twitter account to see the popularity in Japan, we see that only 10k people follow the anime parallel with Google search popularity. In general, it would not be wrong to say that animes that received new season approvals have over 100k followers.
Although disc sales have declined for all anime in recent years, it’s still good data to compare with anime released in the same period. The Infinite Dendrogram anime’s disc sales started in April 2020, and a total of 3 volumes were sold. The sales average is only 405 units. In general, we can say that a new season of anime is a very difficult decision for its creators financially.
When is the release date of season 2?
The series has not yet been renewed for a second season. It is impossible to state an exact date. The series has enough source materials for the second season, and the light novel continues. However, we cannot see such strong popularity to bring a new season. The desired targets were not achieved in disc sales either. To be honest, the new season is quite unlikely. However, there is still a low probability as there is enough source material and the anime world is full of surprises. If there is a renewal, it does not seem possible to see a new season before 2024. If there is an official statement, we will inform you. If you like this genre of anime, you can check out the Overlord or How Not to Summon a Demon Lord series.