Fuuka is an anime series that first met with the audience in the winter of 2017 in the musical and romantic drama genre. Although many anime lovers in Japan and worldwide have known the series with its anime, it was adapted from the manga series written by Kōji Seo and published by the famous manga publisher Kodansha in 2014. The anime animations were done by the studio Diomedéa, which we know from beloved productions such as Domestic Girlfriend and Ahiru no Sora. The anime, which was broadcast by Japanese leading anime channels such as Tokyo MX between 6 January 2017 and 24 March 2017, was also licensed by Crunchyroll and thus can be watched worldwide. Fans around the world, not just in Japan, are now wondering if there will be a second season of the anime.
What is the Plotline of Fuuka?
Haruna Yuu is a high school student who came to Tokyo from the village to live with his older sisters after his parents went to America for business. He is an active Twitter user. While strolling the streets by looking at his phone, he collides with a blue-haired girl who is running in a hurry. When the girl sees him with his phone in hand, she thinks that he is taking a picture of her underwear, breaks Haruna’s phone, and slaps him in the face. The next day, the two encounter again, and the girl breaks Haruna’s phone one more time. This is a big pain for phone addict Haruna!
Haruna transfers to a new school in Tokyo. He was popular in his old school, but now he is forcibly sent out to buy food. On top of that, he learns that they are in the same class with the blue-haired girl named Akitsuki Fuuka. The duo quickly bonded and went to the movies together. The music of the movie Fuuka wants to watch is performed by an artist named Hinashi Koyuki. Fuuka is a big fan of Koyuki. It’s a coincidence that the famous artist Koyuki is a childhood friend of Haruna from the village. Meanwhile, Fuuka still hasn’t decided what to do in the future. After going to Koyuki’s concert with Haruna, Fuuka decides to start her own music group with Haruna. Haruna wants to confess her growing feelings for Fuuka, but his childhood friend and idol Koyuki still have feelings for Haruna.
Will there be a second season of Fuuka?
Studio Diomedia, manga publisher Kodansha, or any anime-related companies have yet to renew the anime for a second season. It may take years for some animes to get approval for a new season. However, since there is no cancellation announcement, this possibility is always present. Animes get new season approvals based on certain major factors. Although there is no official news, in the continuation of our article, we evaluated the possibility of a new season of anime depending on these key factors. Basically, these main criteria are source material availability, popularity, and disc sales (although not as valuable as before).
Manga status of the anime
As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, the manga series, which is the original of the series, was written and illustrated by Kōji Seo. Kodansha publishes the manga in both English and native language. The manga’s first volume was published in 2014, but four years later, on April 4, 2018, the manga series ended its publication life.
The manga series consists of 20 volumes in total. The anime’s first season finale falls in the middle of the fourth volume of the manga series. Considering the remaining source material, there is enough source material for a new season and even more. In terms of source material adequacy, manga is not an obstacle. However, the fact that the manga ended three years ago means that it no longer needs an advertisement like the anime.
Disc sales of the anime
Although disc sales are not as effective in anime renewals as before, it is still good data to compare with other animes released in the same season. Fuuka sold 6 volumes of discs in the first season, with an average of 1,670 units sold. This sales figure is not good enough to reinforce the decision for a new season. An anime aiming for a new season needs much more than that.
Popularity and the other factors in terms of a second season
Another important criterion is popularity. Animes are for-profit productions, and usually, the income is directly proportional to popularity. When we look at the popularity of the anime on Myanimelist, we see that it is in 689th place. This ranking is below average for an anime released in 2017. On the other hand, we cannot say that we see strong search popularity in Google. Fans of the series are now gradually forgetting this series. Finally, we took a look at the Twitter account to observe the popularity of the anime on social media. The account is now out of date and is followed by around 20k people. In general, we can say that a new season of anime seems very difficult in terms of popularity.
Conclusion about ‘Fuuka Season 2’
The anime has not been renewed for a new season so far, and no official news has been shared. However, in the light of all that is known, we evaluated the possibility of a new season. It seems that anime is no longer as popular as it used to be. Although the manga contains source material for a new season, it no longer continues. Also, since the anime isn’t broadcast by a major overseas distributor, a second season is pretty risky financially. Considering the time that has passed, we think that there will not be a new season of the anime. But the anime world is always open to surprises. There is little chance of a new season in the future. A surprise renewal may bring the new season of anime to the audience around 2023-2024. When there is official news, we will share it with you here.