Eromanga Sensei is a romantic comedy anime series that appeared before the audience in the summer of 2017. Eromanga Sensei, who managed to make a name among many anime in its category, is based on the light novel series that Tsukasa Fushimi started writing in 2013. With the decision of anime adaptation confirmed in 2016, A-1 Pictures took the creative studio task. The studio, which has created successful animes in recent years, is also the creator of Rent-A-Girlfriend 86 -eighty-six- and Kaguya-sama: Love is War. The anime, licensed by famous distributors such as Crunchyroll and Funimation, originally aired on many local channels in Japan (Tokyo MX, MBS, TVA, GTV, GYT, BS11, AT-X). Aired between April 9, 2017, – June 25, 2017, the first season consisted of 12 episodes in total. After more than five years, fans are still wondering if they’ll see a second season.
What is the plotline of Eromanga Sensei?
The story takes place around Masamune Izumi, who wrote Light Novel in high school. Masamune’s younger sister, Sagiri, is a nerdy girl who hasn’t left her room for an entire year. So much so that she forces her brother to cook for her so as not to leave her room. Masamune asks his sister to leave her room because he only has her as a family.
Nicknamed “Eromanga”, who draws in Masamune’s novels draws perverse but is very reliable. Masamune has never seen this person and thinks he is a disgusting, perverted otaku. But the truth turns out that our “Eromanga-Sensei” is his sister! On top of the two’s shock, a beautiful girl, shoujo mangaka, whom everyone admires, becomes their rival of them.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
As of June 26, 2022, at the time of writing, the creative studio A-1 Pictures or any related company with the anime has not yet renewed the anime for a second season. The anime’s first season aired in 2017; the elapsed time may be reducing your hopes for the new season. Even after five years, many animes are returning to the screens with the new season’s approval—real important factors for an anime’s renewal; source material availability, disc sales, and popularity. When we consider these factors, we can speculate about a second season.
Light novel status of the anime
The main source material of the anime and the series’s original is the light novel series written by Tsukasa Fushimi and illustrated by Hiro Kanzaki. The light novel, which ASCII Media Works published for the first time on December 10, 2013. The last volume of the light novel series was released on November 9, 2019, and the series consists of 12 volumes in total. Although it did not make a final, the series has not been broadcast for three years. Light novel readers thought that the series would no longer continue till when the good news came. The author of Eromanga Sensei has started working on the series again after three years and we will see more volumes in the future.
The continuing light novel series is good news for the anime adaptation. Also, the anime series only covers the first 3 volumes in the first season. Considering the remaining 9 volumes, we can see that there is enough stock material for a second season. There does not seem to be a problem in terms of source material available to make a new anime season.
Disc sales of the anime
BluRay and DVD sales are invaluable for animes. Because the most profitable part of animes is disc sales. Generally, an anime is expected to generate an average of 4,000 sales from disc sales. If it falls short of this target, it is considered that it will not bring enough profit with a new season and the series may be canceled. When we look at the disc sales of Eromanga Sensei, we see that it sold an average of 8057 units. This shows that the anime’s disc sales are above target. There are no problems in terms of disc sales for a new season.
Volumes | Sales | Date |
Volume 1 | 10.879 | 28.06.2017 |
Volume 2 | 7.567 | 26.07.2017 |
Volume 3 | 7.047 | 23.08.2017 |
Volume 4 | 6.842 | 27.09.2017 |
Volume 5 | 6.557 | 25.10.2017 |
Volume 6 | 6.579 | 22.11.2017 |
OVA | 10.928 | 16.01.2019 |
Other factors about the new season
We know that many exclusive distributors publish Eromanga Sensei. The anime, published exclusively by U-NEXT, Amazon prime video, D anime store, Netflix, and Hulu in Japan, is profitable each way. The fact that such online platforms are broadcasting the series always increases the possibilities of the second season. But none of these big platforms has distributed the anime globally so far.
Anime ranked 247th on Myanimelist based on popularity. Although this is a good ranking, it can be considered average for an anime that came out in 2017. It still has above-average popularity on Google, and it still has a Twitter account that actively calls out to followers and is followed by over 200k people. Generally, we see that the animes that are followed over 100k have received the approval of the new season.
When we look at the studio, A-1 Pictures managed to get the second season’s approval with many animations. They will also love to do a second season for Eromanga Sensei, one of the precious anime.
When is the second season of Eromanga Sensei?
The second season of the anime has not been confirmed yet. Disc sales, popularity, and source material availability are the two most important factors and are the most significant new season signals. Eromanga Sensei has a positive evaluation. In addition to these, as a result of the assessment we made above, all factors point to the second season. We think the anime may still have a new season. However, the silence of the creators on this issue and the time that has passed reduce the possibilities of the new season. When we consider the production and renewal time, it is possible to see a new season in 2023 – 2024, but there is no official statement about this yet. Stay tuned.