Drifting Dragons, also known as Kuutei Dragons, is one of many anime Netflix released in 2020. The anime about adventure, cook and fantasy is actually a manga adaptation. The series was originally broadcast on Fuji TV (+ Ultra), KTV, THK, TNC, UHB, BS Fuji between January 9, 2020 – March 26, 2020. The license rights of the series, which increased in popularity after being broadcast on Fuji TV, were acquired by Netflix and were listed on Netflix on April 30, 2020. The anime is created by Polygon Pictures, like Levius that we analyzed the second season details. The last episode of the 12-episode series was “Dragon Corridor”. The details of the second season of the series are curious. Has Netflix renewed the series for a second season?
What is the season 2 plotline of Drifting Dragons?
The rulers of the sky, dragons. Although dragons are a great threat to humans on earth, they are also sources of medicine, food and materials. For this reason, dragon hunters hunt with their ships in the sky. This story is the story of one of the mentioned ships, Quin Zaza and his crew.
In the first season, Drifting Dragon was an anime that tells the daily life of the crew of Quin Zaza, who is gliding in the sky and hunts dragons through the eyes of Takita, the ship’s rookie. Although the animation of the anime causes prejudices at first, it saves itself with the details of the dragons’ drawings. The characters are colorful, and they make you feel what they are going through.
However, there was a missing point in the first season of this anime. The anime only tells about hunting dragons, but the anime has a mystical world that may have serious potential. Anime is not able to tell; it does not. It just takes place around the crew and makes anime lovers telling about the sky sad. Because there could be many stories that could come out of this universe, and we think the anime will expand the theme in its second season.
The anime’s music was pretty good; there is a Spotify List for those who loved the anime’s songs! In short, although the worldbuilding part was heavily wasted, this was the perfect anime for those who spend time on lockdown days or fans of fantasy, with a sweet scenario.
Will there be a second season of Drifting Dragons?
Netflix released the first season of the series on April 30, 2020. Netflix holds the license rights, and a possible second season will be broadcast on Netflix. However, Netflix has not yet renewed the series for a second season. We made some analysis on whether the series will have a new season. It is possible to evaluate under a few headings.
Manga Status
The series is adapted from a manga, as we said before. The original manga series began to be published in a Japanese manga magazine, “Good! Afternoon”, on June 7, 2016. It was published in 9 volumes for the manga written and illustrated by Taku Kuwabara. The manga is still going on today. The last volume was released on September 7, 2020. An English version is available for those who want to read the manga in English. Seven volumes of the series have been translated into English so far.
So, does the manga provide enough source materials for the anime’s second season? The answer to the question is yes. The anime is very faithful to the manga, and the anime covers the first three volumes of the manga. With an approximate ratio, the series has enough resource material for at least two more seasons. Below you can find a comparison of anime and manga episodes in detail.
Anime Season 1 | Manga |
#E1: Quin Zaza | Volume 1: Chapter 1 |
#E2: Bounty & Dragonet alla Diavola | Volume 1: Chapter 2 |
#E3: Glittering Dragon | Volume 1: Chapter 4 |
#E4: Reasons for Flying & Dragon Terinne | Volume 1: Chapter 3 |
#E5: Sky Pirates & Pastrami | Volume 1: Chapter 5 |
#E6: Festival & Dragon Laghman | Volume 2: Chapter 7 |
#E7: Disaster & Edible Dragons | Volume 2: Chapter 8 |
#E8: Operation: Take Down the Rampaging Dragon | Volume 2: Chapter 9 |
#E9: Soup Kitchen Goulash & Dragon Cutlet | Volume 2: Chapter 10 |
#E10: Migrating Dragons & the Chasm Depths | Volume 3: Chapter 13 |
#E11: Dragonet & Dragon Brain Hunter Stew | Volume 3: Chapter 14 |
#E12: Dragon Corridor | Volume 3: Chapter 17 |
Other Factors and Season 2 Release date
Netflix has released nine anime this year. Among them are notable successful anime such as Blood of Zeus and Dorohedoro. We know that a few of the highlights will be renewed for the second season. But we are not sure about Drifting Dragons alike. Drifting Dragons was the least viewed anime out of 9 anime released on Netflix in 2020. It was not noticed or given a chance by many. Under these circumstances, Netflix is unlikely to give the series a chance for a second run. But resource adequacy still suggests that a second season might be in preparation. We are fifty and fifty percent on this. If Netflix renews the series for a second season, the average production is considered one year. In this case, we can see a new season in Spring 2021.