Boku no Hero Academia is a Japanese manga adaptation anime series, created by Bones Studio such as another beloved anime Mob Psycho 100. The story has many products, such as different types of manga, light novels, games, and more. Anime adaptation of the series gained the love of the audience, and we see a high score in IMDb as 8.6. The release date and details of the 5th season of Boku no Hero Academia, which is also known as My Hero Academia, are curious. As you know, on April 4, 2020, the anime made the fourth season finale with the episode “His Start”. So when will the 5th season of the beloved anime series come out and how will it be?
Is Boku no Hero Academia Season 5 premiere confirmed?
It will be a new season of the anime series, which also has good ratings. Following the 4th season of Boku no Hero Academia, which continued to air on October 12, 2019, and finalized with 25 episodes on April 4, season 5 was announced with a new visual and short promotional video. ‘Something new awakens’ title was remarkable in the video and image.
Boku no Hero Academia Season 5 Announcement Teaser on YouTube
As its fans can remember, In the 4th season, Endeavor was able to defeat a genetically engineered “Nomu” monster, albeit difficult. In the 1A class, students and everyone watching Endeavor’s fight freaked crazy and witnessed that Endeavor deserves to be the number one hero.
Boku no Hero Academia Season 5 plot
First of all, the new season will contain 25 new episodes. When we look at the progress of the anime series, we can see its story goes parallel with the manga largely. A few words to say without spoiling, in the next season of the series, we can say that it will be a new type of training for our hero and we will see the improvement of our hero. As it is understood from the dream, the new season will be a journey to the history of One For All. When we look at the course of the anime, Deku has a long way to improve real power and master the quirk. The heroes will offer their best to become proficient heroes to replace All Might due to All Might is close to retirement.
When will Boku no Hero Academia Season 5 come out?
Although there is no official date to release that is announced yet but some predictions are available for it. Already, some anime news mentions that releasing of the fifth season of the anime will not air until Spring 2021. Spytrue who has popular anime leaks claimed that the My Hero Academia Season 5 is planned for next year. When we look at the season release dates of the series, we see that they generally prefer April except for the last season.
• The 5th season of the anime started on March 27, 2021, and will consist of 25 episodes. The anime, which is broadcast weekly on ytv, NTV, will later take place on other platforms.