Brand New Animal (BNA) is an action-packed fantasy anime series released in 2020. Created by the renowned Studio Trigger, known for other hits like Little Witch Academia, BNA’s first season aired on Netflix starting April 8, 2020, with its premiere episode “Runaway Raccoon.” The season concluded with the 12th episode, “Anima-City.” Directed by Yoh Yoshinari, the series is based on a script by Kazuki Nakashima, which was later adapted into both a manga and a light novel. Despite not being based on pre-existing manga or novels, BNA was one of Netflix’s standout anime series in 2020.
What is the plotline of the anime: BNA?
Set in a futuristic world, BNA centers on the emergence of Beastmen—humanoid animals that were once hidden from society. Michiru Kagemori’s sudden transformation into a tanuki Beastman throws her into a chaotic reality where she must navigate discrimination and danger. Seeking safety, she arrives in Anima City, a sanctuary for Beastmen, where tensions between human and Beastman communities run high. With Shirou Ogami’s help, Michiru delves into her transformation’s mysterious origins, uncovering deeper conspiracies that could threaten the very foundation of Anima City.
Will there be a second season of BNA?
As of November 30, 2024, there has been no official confirmation from Netflix or Studio Trigger regarding a second season of BNA: Brand New Animal. The first season, which premiered on April 8, 2020, was widely appreciated and became one of the standout anime series of 2020, especially on Netflix. Despite this success, there have been no official updates about a renewal or season 2.
While rumors and speculation about a second season persist, there have been no clear signals from either Netflix or the production team. Some fans speculate that 2025 could be the year when an official announcement is made, given typical production timelines and rumors. However, this remains uncertain and ultimately hinges on factors like global streaming performance, fan demand, and the business side of things, including Netflix’s ongoing partnership with Studio Trigger.
Director’s Tweet, and Potential for 2025
In September 2022, Yoh Yoshinari, the director of BNA, provided a ray of hope to fans when he tweeted about the ongoing discussions for sequels to both Little Witch Academia and BNA. He confirmed that talks were taking place with Toho (the anime’s distributor), and emphasized the importance of viewership and rewatching numbers on Netflix to make the decision for a second season. Yoshinari:
“I’m aware of the ongoing requests for sequels to both Little Witch Academia and BNA, and we’ve been in talks with Toho about it. The number of times a show is rewatched on Netflix is crucial, so please continue to support the series by watching it again!”
This tweet highlights that the production team is fully aware of the high demand for a second season, and that fan engagement — especially rewatching the series — could influence the decision. Yoshinari’s message doesn’t provide a definitive timeline but does imply that the studio is actively discussing the future of the show. While no clear announcements have been made, it’s encouraging that these conversations are taking place. Fans are hopeful that 2025 might see an official renewal or even the release of a new season.
Disc Sales, Popularity, and Global Interest
While BNA faced challenges in Japan with disc sales (selling just 436 units per volume), it’s important to look at the broader picture. With the rise of digital streaming, disc sales are no longer the primary metric for an anime’s success. Despite the relatively low disc sales, the anime has enjoyed global popularity, particularly on Netflix, where it has remained a favorite among anime fans worldwide. The absence of a cancellation announcement from Netflix is a positive sign and it can indicate that Netflix still sees value in the series, and with their commitment to supporting successful anime globally, the possibility of a second season remains on the table. Given Netflix’s history of greenlighting popular anime for renewal, it is plausible that a new season could be confirmed in the near future.
Anime series typically takes about a year to produce, and if Netflix decides to renew the series soon, late 2025 or 2026 could be a realistic target for a new season’s debut. For now, fans of BNA will need to stay vigilant for any official updates while continuing to show their support by rewatching the series and engaging in online discussions.