Beastars is an anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Paru Itagaki. After its release on Netflix, the series, which gathered viewers from all over the world, completed its first season. The anime series prepared by CG studio Orange was released weekly on Fuji TV on 8th October 2019. Season 2 of the series, which was also released on Netflix in March this year, is curious. So far, 12 episodes have been broadcast in total and scored a good 7.9 on IMDb. Will there be a second season of Beastars? When will it be released and what are the story details.
• This article has been updated for season 3 possibility review here: Beastars Season 3
Will there be a second season of Beastars?
There is good news for fans who are waiting for the second season of the series. Beastars managed to get the second season’s approval. The series, which will first be released in Japan with a new season, is expected to be broadcast on Netflix later with an English subtitle. The series was originally planned to be released in August 2020, but there was a delay due to the pandemic process that affected the whole world. When this article was written, the manga had 20 volumes in total, and the 21st volume will be released this month.
- Beastars began to air weekly locally in Japan on January 7, 2021. It will be listed on Netflix in July 2021.
What will be in the season 2? What is the plotline?
Spoiler Alert!
Legosi will finally confess his love that hides for a long time. The young gray wolf will want to be stronger than he is now before all values become objects. The contribution of panda Vohi to Legosiye will be great. Thanks to him, he will add strength to his strength and learn new techniques.
Legosi will need to eat meat to get genetically strong. However, as this is a difficult prospect for him, he will have no choice but to learn new techniques from Panda Gohin. Louis is a very smart student who knows how to protect himself. He can defeat his opponent in any condition with both his abilities and intelligence. However, circumstances may change when it comes to a lion, especially if these lions want to avenge the dead pack leader.
The newspaper in which Louis disappeared was also published. The last thing we knew about the red deer was that he was getting to fight with Shishi Gami. One of the biggest unknowns to be answered is who the Tem’s killer is?
The findings show that Tem’s murderer, whose gender is not clearly understood, came out of the bathroom and left a pack of blood drops in the garbage. He then walks down the corridors. Everyone thinks It is planned that meeting with Legosi. This is an important sign that Tem’s killer was a member of the drama club.
The clues that will allow us to guess about the killer are: Taking medication and higher than Legosi. There are too many carnivores who are members of the drama club. Which one of them eats Tem is a big curiosity. We know that bil the tiger is a herbivore. Could it be that his instincts told him you should eat meat? His classmate might be a delicious choice for him in this case.
Is there released trailer for the season 2 of the series?
No trailer has yet been released for the renewed second season of the series. However, we will see a new trailer towards the end of the year. We will share this promotional trailer with details about the new season when it is released.