Babylon is a suspense genre Japanese anime series that started airing on Amazon Prime Video in 2019. The anime’s story is based on a novel series written by Mado Nozaki. The anime, originally aired on Tokyo MX, BS11, AT-X local channels, also licensed by Amazon Video. In this way, the series that gained viewers worldwide was produced by Twin Engine. The anime producer is very successful in its previous productions. Successful anime such as Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Dororo, and Vinland Saga is also among the same producer’s works. Originally released on October 6, 2019, the anime’s first season consists of 12 episodes in total. Fans are still wondering after nearly one year passed after the season finale; will there be a second season of the series? Let’s remember the series and take a look at the details of the second season.
What was the plotline of the anime?
Zen Seizaki, a prosecutor at the Tokyo District Attorney’s Office, investigates an illegal clinical trial involving a pharmaceutical company and a university. During the investigation, he finds a file hidden by Shin Inaba, an anesthesiologist. Inside the file is a piece of paper with blood, skin, and the letter F mixed with hair. As the investigation continues, Seizaki realizes that there is a loom in the events connected with a large selection.
What happened in the first season of Babylon?
This section contains spoilers – The first season of the show made viewers question right and wrong a lot. In the end, Seizaki could not stand Ai Magase, and, like the other men, he also squeezed it on his head. In the previous episodes, he was already impressed by Magase’s voice while listening to Ai Magase’s conversation with the mayor from hospital records. On the other hand, there is no reason why Seizaki should not be affected by this woman. The woman can make the person a toy she is talking to. In the last scene, Seizaki’s child brings his hat to Magase, the murderer of his father. After this confusion, what the series can give to the audience in the second season is very difficult to guess. We’ll see it in a possible second season. You can also share your comments about the final in the comments section.
Will there be a second season of Babylon?
Amazon Prime or studio Revoroot has yet to renew the anime for a second season. Sometimes it takes years for anime to renew for a new season, but the situation is slightly different. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Babylon is adapted from a novel series of the same name. A second season release date of the anime is not expected as the novel series has been fully adapted and is currently not ongoing.
The novel series is written by Mado Nozaki and illustrated by Zain. Published by Kodansha, the novel series was published between 2015 and 2017 and consisted of 3 volumes. Since it is not an English publisher, getting the novel series is very difficult, and no translation has yet been published.
How does Babylon’s Novel series end?
After a weird finale episode, everyone questions whether it comes from this novel. The novel ended almost exactly like the anime. The most significant difference between anime and novel is that Zen didn’t shoot the president; Alex committed suicide. On the other hand, Magase’s story goes parallel, and it is uncertain whether Zen is still alive.
Although many publishers in Japan request the author to continue the novel series, the author is not enthusiastic about it. We don’t know what will happen in the future, maybe one day the novel series will continue, and we can see a new anime season.
The story has an additional manga adaptation, but the story is rather shallow than the anime and novel series and adds nothing.