Azur Lane anime series in the action and military genre met with the audience in 2019 with a 12-episode one-season. Based on a smartphone game developed by Chinese developers Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi for iOS and Android platforms, the anime series was adapted to an anime by Bibury Animation Studios. This studio, which has no products other than a few anime series and movies, is quite new and Azur Lane is one of their first products. Most anime adaptations in Japan are manga or light novel adaptations, but Azur Lane met the audience as an adaptation of a game and gained a fan base. The anime, licensed by the famous anime distributor Funimation, was also aired on Hulu TV. It was originally published on Tokyo MX, SUN, KBS, BS11, AT-X local broadcasters October 3, 2019 – March 20, 2020. Now, fans are curious about a second season.
What is the plotline of Azur Lane?
A mighty enemy named Siren appeared in the middle of the sea. For the first time, divided humanity stood in complete solidarity when the “Sirens”, an alien force with a powerful arsenal that transcended current technology boundaries, suddenly appeared. Four countries came together to fight him and founded Azur Lane. The different ideas of the different personalities that made up Azur Lane were able to stop the warships and Siren attacks only for a moment. Our story is about our girls fighting a stronger enemy than they are used to in training camps.
Will there be a second season of the anime?
Anime appeared before the audience with its first season between October 3, 2019 – March 20, 2020. It was expected that the anime would have a second season, which exceeded the threshold of 4,000 in DVD and BluRay sales and sold 6,128 in the first volume. The show is not popular enough worldwide, and its popularity score is 54.4%, but disc sales usually determine the second season decision. Disc sales indicate that the anime series is enjoying serious popularity in Japan. Also, being broadcast on exclusive broadcasters such as Hulu TV means extra profit.
A second season of the anime directed by Tensho, created by Bibury Animation Studios, has yet to be confirmed. However, the series received a new anime order. The new series “AzurLane: Slow Ahead!” adapted from the game’s original manga and created in collaboration with CANDYBOX & Yostar Pictures. The new anime series started to air on January 12, 2021. The Crunchyroll licensed anime is broadcast initially on Tokyo MX, BS11, AT-X channels and is expected to consist of 12 episodes. At the time of writing, the first six episodes met with the audience.
The answer to the wondered question is no. The series is not considered a continuation of the first anime as a script. This series, an original adaptation of the game’s manga, is prepared by a different team, independent of the first anime. We think you will like the new anime series as the first one, but it is unclear whether the first anime will continue or not. If there is any improvement, we will inform you again. You can watch the trailer of the new anime series “Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!” below.