Astra Lost in Space, or Kanata no Astra, as it is known, is an anime series that aired on Hulu TV in 2019. The series, an anime adaptation of the manga series of the same name written by Kenta Shinohara, was announced on February 5, 2019, and originally aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, TVA, KBS, SUN, BS11 on July 3, 2019, and also the series licensed by Funimation. We watched the science fiction anime series prepared by Lerche studio on September 18, 2019, with the last episode called “Friend-Ship”. After 12 episodes were broadcast in total, the series’ fans started to wonder about the second season. More than a year has passed since the show aired, and it is still being asked: Will the series have a second season? When will it be released?
What happened in the first season of the anime?
The year is 2061. Space travel can be developed and commercially available. Caird High School organizes the planet camp. When class 5B reaches the campsite during the camp, a mysterious beam of light hurls 9 students 5012 light-years away. These students find an old, unmanned spacecraft nearby. Students must be strong, be able to manage their limited resources, stay together in endless darkness. Only then will they be able to survive the dangerous and slow return journey to Astra.
Will there be a second season of Astra Lost in Space?
Last update on 15.08.2021: As of August 2021, there is still no confirmation from broadcast channels or producers for a new season of the series. We will evaluate the possibilities for you. Are there enough resources for a new season of the series? Animes use manga as their resource material. As we mentioned before, Astra Lost in Space is a manga adaptation like most anime.
Does the manga provide enough source material?
Published in the magazine Shōnen Jump+ and written by Kenta Shinohara, the manga was aired from May 2016 to December 2017. The manga series, which also includes English translations, has 5 volumes in total. The anime adaptation of the series is fully adapted to the manga and completes the main story. Unfortunately, the manga does not continue today. The chances to see a second season right now are very slim.
Although the series has its own fan base, it is impossible to see a new season when there are not enough resources for anime. This is a situation we are familiar with from many anime. As WhenWill team, we don’t expect to see a new season. It’s also a pity that the show doesn’t have a satisfying ending. We can say that the manga is finished in the same way so that there are no questions left in mind.
Let’s determine that the manga artist has received some awards with this story, some of them.
- 2019 – Won the 12th Manga Taishō Award for Astra Lost in Space.
- 2020 – Won the 51st Seiun Sci-Fi Awards for Astra Lost in Space.
If there will be news for Manga in the future about its continue, we can see a new season, but we have to see at least a few volumes in order to provide enough resources. This means we won’t see a new anime season before 2022.
What is season 2 predictions of Astra Lost in Space?
The series ended the first season with a really satisfying finale. Most viewers prefer to end this way rather than an unfinished final. It is very difficult to guess for the second season because there is no manga volume to provide source material for a new season. If the manga continues one day; new crew members can join the three main characters, or somehow they can gather again with the old team and embark on new adventures. We have to wait for the second season to see these answers.