Ascendance of a Bookworm is an anime series that started airing in 2019 in the fantasy and otherworld (aka Isekai) genre. Originally based on a manga series written by Miya Kazuki, the story was adapted into the anime, and Mitsuru Hongo directed the series. The anime, licensed by Crunchyroll and Sentai Filmworks, was created by Japanese animation studio Ajia-do Animation Works. The anime originally aired on ABC, Tokyo MX, Wowow, BS Fuji channels on October 3, 2019. The anime, which was broadcast in two parts, was last released on June 21, 2020, with the second season’s final episode. Fans are wondering if the series will have a third season.
What was the plotline of the anime?
Motosu Urano, a book lover, who has just received her librarian certificate and is waiting to get her dream job after graduation, dies under her book collection in a big earthquake. She wishes to be reincarnated so that she could read more books from God. However, she returns to a world with low literacy and very few books as the daughter of a poor soldier. In this world, even a single book costs a lot. Regardless, our character, whose aim is to be a librarian, has to publish her own books.
When is the release date of Ascendance of a Bookworm Season 3?
Good news for fans because the series is back for season 3. According to the anime team’s statement on Twitter; The anime has been renewed for a third season. It was not surprising that a new season confirmation of the anime series with a strong community. Crunchyroll also approved the renewal announcement made on 12 July 2020.
Unfortunately, it is certain that the anime’s third season will not meet the audience in 2021. Ascendance of a Bookworm Season 3 will meet with the audience in 2022 according to the announcement made. Although it is not specified which date it is, we know from their Twitter account that the series will be on screens in spring 2022. A key visual for the third season has also been released on the official website. Although official sources state it as 2022 Spring, this news was included in Wikipedia as ‘April 2022‘. Considering the general premiere dates of the anime, this possibility is not far away.
We will also see Haruka Matsunae as the character designer in the third season of the anime. Noriko Otake, who served as the chief animation director in many successful anime, will also take part in the new season of the anime with Emiko Endo. It has also been announced that the main cast will return in the new season.
How many seasons will there be?
The series is adapted from a novel written by Miya Kazuki, as mentioned earlier. Novel series was originally published between September 2013 – March 2017. Later, it appeared as a light novel in January 2015. The light novel, which consists of 27 volumes in total so far, will continue a few more volumes and make the final in 2022.
The anime covers 7 volumes of Light Novel, which he uses as the main source material. The first season can be considered 1-3, and the second season 4-7. With a simple account, it would not be wrong to say that the series will be on the screens for at least 5-6 more seasons, considering that the series does not have trouble with the new season’s approval. However, equal resource materials may not be used for each season.
And, of course, the series should not lose its popularity in this process. Anime ranked 934th according to the Myanimelist’s popularity ranking. On Google, on the other hand, the search volume is not very strong. On Twitter, it is followed by 40k people. Generally, if an anime has over 100k followers, it is considered to have enough popularity for new season approvals. Considering the current popularity, the followers of the anime seem lucky since it gets confirmation. The anime should reach more people with the second season that will be aired in 2022. Otherwise, the third season approval could be financially risky. But it’s nice that the anime has this potential, reviews show it on Myanimelist as well as on IMDb.