Ao-chan Can’t Study! is an anime series that appeared before the audience in 2019 in the romantic comedy genre. Originally a manga adaptation, the anime is based on the manga series written by Ren Kawahara. The anime series directed by Keisuke Inoue is prepared by Silver Links studio. Silver Link, a successful animation studio, has been doing successful work in recent years. Wise Man’s Grandchild was one of the most popular anime in 2019 and Bofuri in 2020, and both productions are prepared by the studio. Ao-chan Can’t Study! It is a licensed anime from Sentai Filmworks, prepared by the well successful studio. The series originally aired on MBS, TBS, BS-TBS local channels from April 6, 2019, to June 22, 2019. It is wondering if there will be a second season of the 12 episode anime series.
What is the plotline of the anime?
Ao tells her friends how she named by her best-selling erotic writer father when she was in kindergarten. This incident she told on that day haunts Ao, whose sole goal is to enter an elite university and gain independence from her father ten years later. She has neither time to think of her youth nor to think of men. But one day, classmate “King Normie” Kijima confesses his love for her. Although she tries to get rid of Kijima, she cannot. When her mind is overwhelmed with dirty thoughts, she realizes that her father caused him to fall into these thoughts, and she was under her influence!
Will there be a second season of the anime?
Viewers watched the last episode of the series on June 22, 2019. So far, neither Silver Link nor Sentai Filmworks has yet renewed the series for a second season. Seeing a new season of anime sometimes takes years, so this is normal. Anime has a few parameters to see a new season. We will examine if we can see a new season in line with these. One of them is the popularity that affects Blu Ray sales, and the other is the manga status that provides source material.
Manga status of the series
Ao-chan Can’t Study! is an anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Ren Kawahara, as we mentioned before. The manga series published in Shōnen Magazine Edge consists of 8 volumes in total. Unfortunately, the manga series does not continue today. It means that there is a limited source material for anime.
The manga series, consisting of 8 volumes in total, was published between October 2015 and December 2018, and manga ended. The anime series, unfortunately, covers all published manga volumes. Even though the spin-off episodes for manga was broadcast twice afterward, it doesn’t provide enough resource material for a second season.
Although the anime series’s popularity score is an average score of 67.8% according to our metrics, it is difficult to see a second season of the series due to the lack of resource material. If one day the manga series continues, it may be possible to see a new season, but this is very unlikely.