Akudama Drive is a fun action and science-fiction anime series that aired in 2020. Anime licensed by Funimation. Created by Pierrot and Too Kyo Games, the series was originally aired on BS11, SUN, Tokyo MX, KBS, AT-X channels. Normally, the series, which will be released in July 2020, was delayed due to Covid 19 situations and appeared before the audience in October. Also, the series, which was also broadcast on Hulu TV, found viewers worldwide. It was released weekly and made its first season finale with the episode called “Black Rain” on November 26, 2020. The reviews of the series have been good so far. Has the anime been renewed for a second season? When will it be released?
What was about the anime: Akudama Drive?
If we talk about the plotline of the anime; A long time ago, the Kanto and Kansei regions caused a war that divided Japan in two. However, after the war, Kansei became dependent on Kanto. In addition to being dependent, many crimes have been rampant in the region where the Kansei government and police power has been diminished. Criminals are now known as “Akudama”.
Taguchi Tomohiro is the director of Akudama Drive, whose original story belongs to Kodaka Kazutaka, whom we know from the famous Danganronpa series. Sasahara Yoshifumi Sasahara is the assistant director next to Taguchi. Yamaguchi Cindy undertakes the character design of the series.
Will there be a second season of Akudama Drive?
As of February 2021, the anime has not yet been renewed for a second season. The source material for anime is usually manga. Akudama Drive has a manga series, but the situation is a little different. This time the manga is adapted from the anime. Therefore, the script originally belongs to the anime. The writer team of the series does not consist of a single person. Tomohisa Taguchi is a writer while sitting on the director’s chair. Norimitsu Kaihō is one of the series’ other lead writers. It is currently unknown whether the authors have any work on the continuation of the script.
The second season of the series is currently dependent on financial reasons. Although the reviews of the series are acceptable, it is also important how much it is watched. Currently, the popularity score of the series according to our metrics is 74,8% which is pretty OK. (Also See: Popularity scores of the other anime) Akudama Drive is an anime that passes each episode with a different excitement, and its excitement constantly increases. It is likely to see another season, but if you want to see a second season, you should recommend it to those around you to increase possibilities. With a possible renewal, the series’s production will take close to 2 years. A new season is not expected before 2022.
Who are the characters in the anime?
Ordinary Person (Voiced by Tomoyo Kurosawa)
One of the main characters of the series. She is an office girl arrested for not paying for the meal, despite claiming that it was not hers. In order not to be killed by the other Akudama, he pretended to be a criminal named the Scammer.
Courier (Voiced by Yūichirō Umehara)
A master shooter courier who takes the package to the desired location if he receives the payment. One of the main heroes of the series.
Brawler (Voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi)
He’s dumb but has a gift. His fists are strong enough to knock out whoever comes across him.
Hacker (Voiced by Shun Horie)
A hacker adept enough to access all systems.
Doctor (Voiced by Megumi Ogata)
A sexy doctor, a chemist who can deal with fatal wounds.
Hoodlum (Voiced by Subaru Kimura)
Cutthroat (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai)
Black Cat (Voiced by Maaya Uchida)
Execution Division Master (Voiced by Akio Ōtsuka)
Execution Division Pupil (Voiced by Yumiri Hanamori)
Boss (Voiced by Yoshiko Sakakibara)