Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor is an action and fantasy anime series released in 2017. The series, a TV adaptation, is based on Tarō Hitsuji’s light novel series, which began airing in 2014. The anime was created by Liden Films, which has gained good momentum despite being a fairly new studio. The studio, which is also the creator of the Cells at Work!‘s spin-off series titled Code Black, releases five more anime this year! Licensed by Crunchyroll and Funimation, the series originally aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, MBS, TVA, BS11 from April 4, 2017, to June 20, 2017. Although it has been about four years, we haven’t seen a new season, and the fans wonder. So is there a renewal for a second season, or can it be?
What is the plotline of Akashic Records?
Sistine enrolls at the magic academy of the Alzano Empire to improve her magic arts and solve the mystery of the enigmatic Sky Castle. Glenn is a lazy and seemingly incompetent teacher who fills his former teacher’s gap after his favorite teacher retires. He will be able to infuriate many people, including his students, with his sluggish and arrogant demeanor that overturns this prestigious school’s values. Sistina Fibel, who could not bear this, said enough and invited Glenn to a duel to “teach properly”.
On the other hand, how could Glenn have been carefully chosen by the academy’s most powerful wizard? Why does this man, who is openly knowledgeable in magic, behave in such an idle manner? What does he hide?
Will there be a second season of the anime?
At the time of writing, as of August 15, 2021, Liden Films or any related company have not renewed the anime for a second season. This anime series, which made a strong debut in 2017, is still expecting a new season. However, as of now, there is still no official renewal or rumor. Still, it is possible to speculate about the second season. Animes generally get sequel confirmation as a result of evaluating some primary factors. Let’s look at the second season possibility under these main factors.
Light novel status of the anime (Original stock material)
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor is originally a light novel series written by Tarō Hitsuji and illustrated by Kurone Mishima. The light novel published by Fujimi Shobo, which started to be published on July 19, 2014, is still ongoing. The light novel series’s continuation is important as it provides scripts to the anime, and that’s good news.
The last volume of the light novel series was published on December 19, 2020, and currently consists of 19 volumes in total. The anime covers the first 4 volumes of the light novel in the first season. This shows that there is enough stock material for the second and even more few seasons. There is no obstacle for a second season of the series in terms of the source material, but this is not enough alone.
Disc (BluRay and DVD) sales and popularity of the anime
Disc sales are very important in seeing a new season of an anime. The evaluation committee monitors the sales, and if they decide the product financially sufficient and beneficial, the second season’s probability increases. It is assumed that an anime must sell at least 4,000 copies to be promising for a second season.
The number of disc sales in the first volume of the anime was 2,485. This number reduces the chances of seeing a new season because it is well below expectations. However, we still cannot say it is impossible because there are anime series that have received renewal approval despite these sales numbers.
Although it didn’t show enough success in disc sales, the anime continued to be discovered on online platforms later, and its popularity score is 90.2%. This score shows how popular the anime is on social media, Google searches, and other online platforms. Creators may think of a new season based on current popularity, even though disc sales are insufficient.
When is the second season of the anime?
As we mentioned, there is no renewal yet, and it is impossible to give an exact release date for the second season. Liden Films created the anime’s first season. We assume that he will continue with the same studio in a possible second season. Although Liden films is a non-old studio founded in 2012, it has a large team and is creating much anime at the same time. The studio, which will release all the anime on the list in 2021, will not hesitate to create the second season of Akashic Records. Considering that there is enough source material, a second season will make sense to support the light novel sales. However, disc sales in the first season were an important criterion, and the evaluation result was negative in this respect. When all factors are summarized, we are 50% – 50% for the series’s new season probability. If a renewal comes, a new season of the series may come out in 2022, taking into account the production time.
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