Adachi and Shimamura is a yuri-genre (means girls’ love) slice of life anime series first released in 2020. The anime is an adaptation of the light novel series written by Hitoma Iruma. It was created by Tezuka Productions, an old anime studio. Besides, the studio has begun work on the second season of the hit anime series How Not to Summon a Demon Lord. Fans wish the same for Adachi and Shimamura. The anime, licensed by Funimation, originally aired on TBS and BS11 as 12 episodes between October 9, 2020 – December 25, 2020. So, have the anime get a second season confirmation? When will it return to the screens?
What is the plotline of the anime?
The second floor of the gym – this is where we always meet. It was the classroom, but of course, the lesson wasn’t always taught here. I made friends with Shimamura here. We hung out together, talked about television shows and cooking, played tennis. This is where we deepen our friendship. I sighed softly, my head against the wall. What was this feeling? Yesterday I dreamed that I was kissing Shimamura. I’m not like that. Shimamura also is not. It’s not even worth repeating myself, but it really isn’t. When he hears the word “friend”, I want him to think of me before anyone else. That’s all.
Will there be a second season of Adachi and Shimamura?
Neither Tezuka Productions nor any related company renewed the anime for a second season. Renewal of an anime sometimes takes a long time. It is only possible to speculate about for now.
Adachi and Shimamura is a light novel series originally written by Hitoma Iruma and illustrated by Non and Shizue Kaneko. The light novel, whose last volume was published on October 10, 2020, continues. The series has reached 9 volumes, with the last volume published. The first season of the anime covers the first 4 volumes. This is good news because there are enough resources for a second season of the anime.
No clear figures were released for disc sales, but pre-orders on Amazon ranked in the top 50. We can say that it has achieved success in disc sales surprisingly compared to a yuri series. As a newly released anime, its popularity score is 57.2%. It has enough popularity compared to a newly released anime, and we think it will grow even more.
Looking at the story’s course, we think that the part where our characters will progress in their relationships is reserved for a second season. The general popularity and resource adequacy are enough signals for a second season. However, there has not been a renewal yet. The series seems to will have a second season. If there is a renewal, we can watch a new season in 2022, considering the production period. We will update our article as more official statements and new information become available.
What is the plotline of the second season?
The first season of the series covered 1-4 volumes of the manga. The manga series continues now, and the 5th volume will be adapted in the second season of the anime. We watched the meeting story of the two in the first season of the anime, but we couldn’t see much in a romantic sense. Shimamura and Adachi’s relationship will go deeper in season two. Adachi will finally confess her feelings she can’t control. Shimamura thinks what Adachi said. New events full of jealousy, intrigue, and love will be waiting for the audience in the second season. If you’re too impatient to wait for a second season, you can start reading the light novel from volume 5 of the light novel.