Ace Attorney is a comedy, crime anime series that meets the audience as an adaptation of CAPCOM’s video game of the same name. The series was aired for the first time in 2016, and although it did not manage to rank high in the general lists, it gained the love of its audience. Especially those who played the games of the series loved this anime series. It is curious whether the third season of the anime series, also known as Gyakuten Saiban, has been approved and when it will be released.
What is Anime: Ace Attorney about?
Ace Attorney, the first season prepared by the Japanese A-1 Pictures studio and the second season by the Japanese animation studio CloverWorks, is based on the first three games of the video game developer Capcom’s series of the same name. Crunchyroll has licensed the series together with Anime Limited, which is a British distributor.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations
Based on these three games, the anime series takes place in an alternate world where decisions are made in 3 days in the first degree courts. Our main character, Phonix Wright, is a rookie defense lawyer, while her mentor Mia Fey is murdered. Maya, who is Phoenix’s best friend, her younger sister, is a spirit medium-in-training who can channel the spirits of the dead. With Maya’s support, difficult times await Phoenix, who defends his clients in lawsuits at Law Offices Wright & Co., especially when his childhood friend Miles Edgeworth stands in front of him.
Takeshi Yamazaki, designer, and manager of several games in CAPCOM’s Ace Attorney series announced that he was leaving CAPCOM after working with the company for 15 years. He added that he will still develop games but will take on new challenges.
Will there be a season 3 of Ace Attorney?
Update on December 5, 2020: At the time of writing, Ace Attorney still has not been renewed for a 3rd season by producers or publishers.
- The studio, CloverWorks’ plans for the next year have been updated.
- Information for manga adaptation has been added to the article.
- Takeshi Yamazaki, manager of the Game, left CAPCOM.
The anime series written by Atsuhiro Tomioka, who also wrote Pokémon Generations, said goodbye to the 23rd episode of season 2, Bridge to the Turnabout – Last Trial, in March 2019. Since this date, the producers have received no approval for the 3rd season of the Ace Attorney anime series.
There is no way to know whether there will be a third season of the anime series. When we review all the known things about the series, we see that it is not very possible for the 3rd season to come out. The anime series was mainly created as a marketing tool; therefore, its first two seasons covered the original Phoenix Wright trilogy’s entirety, which was important to promoting and marketing.
The possibility of 3rd season seems to be linked to the series launching a new game. If there is a need for re-marketing with a new game, maybe we can see the third season of the series—still a remote possibility. Unfortunately, there is no news of a new game at the moment. In this case, it is not possible to see a potential new season of the series before the 2021 4th quarter. We will share with you as new news come.
The final season of the anime was written by CloverWorks. CloverWorks has already made some plans for 2021. One of them is “The Promised Neverland Season 2“, which we have featured on our website before. However, they do not yet have plans for Ace Attorney season 3.
Anime | Network | Release date |
The Promised Neverland Season 2 | Fuji TV (Noitamina) | January 7, 2021 |
Horimiya | Tokyo MX | January 9, 2021 |
Wonder Egg Priority | NTV | January 2021 |
Shadows House | TBA | TBA |
Ace Attorney Season 3 | NNS | Not in the plan |
Manga Status
There is also a manga adaptation of the series known as Gyakuten Saiban: Sono “Shinjitsu”, Igiari!. The manga series written by Naoyuki Kageyama has been published in ‘V Jump’ magazine. The Manga, which started to be published on March 19, 2016, was published until July 21, 2017. The Manga, which consisted of 3 volumes in total, did not continue afterward. However, the manga series is not linked to the anime in terms of the source material. Anime and Manga were adapted directly from the game.