A Place Further than the Universe is a hit anime series released in 2018. The anime, which also has a manga adaptation written by Yorimoi, has original content. The anime, directed by Atsuko Ishizuka, was created by the famous Japanese anime studio Madhouse. Madhouse, who has actively brought manga and original stories to life since the early 2000s, is also known for animations such as No Guns Life and Boogiepop and Others in recent years. The studio has also proven itself by serving in anime such as Monster, Nana, Death Note, and One Punch Man. Licensed by Crunchyroll, A Place Further than the Universe, originally aired on AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS11, MBS channels from January 2, 2018, to March 27, 2018. After the first season, which consists of 13 episodes in total, fans wonder if there will be a second season. So, are there any signals for a new season after three years?
What is the plotline of the anime?
Shirase wants to go to the north pole even though she is in high school because her mother is lost in her mission to the north pole. But there are many obstacles, such as financial reasons. Mari is a little bored because she can’t find a youthful excitement for her. Mari finds the money that Shirase dropped on the road one day, and the next day she gives it to her at school. Thus, Mari becomes partners in Shirase’s dream of the north pole. Finding the youthful excitement she was looking for, Mari also wants to go to the north pole. In this process, they meet Hinata and Yuzuki, who will join them, so our group that will go on the north pole adventure is formed.
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho is a production with lots of youth excitement and friendship. But mostly on devotion. Because the task girls are trying to accomplish is not easy at all. But to achieve this, they are doing their best to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. Their efforts to go to the North Pole, what happened to them after they left, and of course Shirase’s magnificent final scene…
Will there be a second season of A Place Further than the Universe?
As of August 2021, Madhouse or any related company has yet to renew the series for a second season. The first season of the anime aired in the spring of 2018, and we haven’t seen an OVA or a new season since. No official confirmation has been received for the second season so far. It can take years for anime to renew for a new season. However, it is possible to speculate on the second season based on some main factors.
Source material adequacy (Light novel & Manga)
As we mentioned before, anime has original content, and it is not adapted from any written work. The series has a manga adaptation written by Yorimoi, but it promises readers no more than the anime as a story. Therefore, if there is a second season, it will still have original content. If the producers want a script to be prepared for a second or third season, there is no obstacle based on source material adequacy.
BluRay and DVD sales of the anime
BluRay and DVD sales are essential things in the financial evaluation of the production. Generally, anime is expected to sell 4,000 discs to get a second season approval. If it stays below this figure, it is difficult to take a risk for a new season. Disc sales for A Place Further than the Universe were far above that threshold. In total, four volumes were sold, and on average, more than 10,000 discs were sold. In terms of disc sales, the anime is very promising for a second season.
The general conclusion for the second season possibility
So far, everything seems optimistic for the second season. However, one thing that should not be missed is how the story can continue. It seems like at the end of the first season, and everyone saw the story complete. After this stage, a second season cannot promise much to the audience. Obviously, this production was considered a single season, but perhaps it was not expected to be so popular. It has good views in Japan, if not all over the world.
Despite all this, there is a strong audience waiting for the second season. After the series was re-aired on AT-X in Japan, searches for the second season on Google have increased since March 2020. In the last months, we see an increase again. At the end of the first season, we don’t think the creators had the idea for a second season, but financial returns and growing popularity could get them to create a second season.
When is the second season of the anime?
There is no confirmation yet for a second season of the series. However, as a result of the above assessment, we see the probability of a second season as 60%. Disc sales are well above average anime disc sales. Even if not on the plan, creators can take action for a second season. Also, because it is original content, the stock material adequacy will not be an obstacle. However, there is no renewal yet, and a construction period will be required. Considering the production time, if the anime is renewed for a new season, we can see a new season at the beginning of 2022.